Chapter 4

"Im Back Im back!" some people celebrated but some were still in shock due to them dying and the pain they recieved howeaver Nathan did not celebrate he took off his mask and rank to his hone as fast as he could

"Lily! are you alright?!" Nathan screamed

"Brother why are you screaming and arent you suppose to be at school?"

"Oh thank god you werent chosen in the tutorial" Nathan said and with a confised look Lily said "what?"

"monsters and dungeons like those games are gonna start appeariolng you should start gettingvready the world is gonna change" as Nathan said the The TV Suddenly changed to a emergency news

"to all the [Hunters] who have passed the tutorial please come to the goverment building as fast as you can"

Lily was confused and looked at his brother worried

"stay here i have to go" said Nathan as he went outside their home putting on [the Mask of the eclipse] and after running for 13 minutes he arrived seeing almost 500 people gathered at one place he lined up

"number 456 come forward! place your hand on the orb" the man in the suit said

"What does it do?" Nathan asked as he went forward

"it evaluates your power with the skill you were first given we are looking for a A rank but dont get your hopes up"

and as Nathan placed his hand on the orb it shone a Golden Yellow

"G- god rank" the agent said

"please come with me i will guide you" another agent said

after walking throught the construction site of the soon to be HQ for the Hunters of Britain Nathan met the soon to head of the association

"My name is William Richtofen 3rd son of the royal family so are you the so called God rank?" the Stranger said

"ah hello your highness yes i am" Nathan said as he Bowed down

"well then i have a offer for you join the association as a Agent" William said

"I am afraid i have to decline i want to fight monsters and i belive i need to be a hunter for that though i may become a mercenary for you" Nathan replied

"Very well for a god rank i will give you a 100 million pounds so is it a deal?"

"of course but can you send it my bank"

"Very well" as their conversatiob ended Nathan would recive his ID then suddenly the TV turned on

"A F rank dungeon has been reported hunters please come immeadietly and for all citizens please evacuate!"

Chapter 4 End