Chapter 22 - New Species

After Nathan and his companions landed back to Britain he would return home after saying goodbye to Vanessa and as he opens the door

"Ah god damn what a mess" Nathan wpuld say as he starts cleaning his house and as he finishes cleaning he would put on his mask and go to the hunters association to clear out dungeons and after a week of clearing dungeons he would grow to level 41 and after he finishes clearing his 21st dungeon a Notifcation would arrive

(C rank dungeons will arrive in 3 Days and along side them Elves and Dwarves beware however for they have the strength of an A rank monster and are only C rank because they are freindly for now) and as the Notification ends the association would call the top hunters into their HQ which is in London and after waiting a day all the hunters would arrive and then the God of the Earth Zhong Shen would start the meeting

saying "why dont we just beat them up and show them whose boss" and Yuriah would reply with "Is your brain for decoration? they are fucking A rank for goodness sake" with Orohime following up with "Yes i agree with Mrs Yuriah we would lose"

and with this Jack would say with a smirk "Well then does ajyone have a better idea?" as he looks at Nathan and with Jack's question Vanessa would reply with "why dont we have a engagment for an alliance"

with Cindy replying with "A good idea though who would it be" and with this William would reply "Now then lads why dont we give this opurtunity to the strongest one here isint that right Flame" and with this Nathan would reply with "how are we even sure that they are a Woman? or would they even like me? why not Vanessa shes a princess and royalty would be more fitting since its most likely gobna be a engagement beetween nobles and royalty and you know im a 'mere commoner' " Nathan would reply and with this William would reply with

"Why dont we have Vanessa if its a man and Flame if its a Woman so why dont we vote now" and as William says this all 10 hunters in the room except Nathan would agree ending the meeting and after a day the first portal would appear making Nathan and Vanessa wait upfront incase they are Hostile and as the elves exit one elf would say as he exits the dungeon

"I am Alexander Arcadia the king of Wriothesly!" and a young man with pointy ears holding a golden sword would appear and alongside him a young woman with pointy ears with Silver hair that was as tall as Nathan holding a bow would appear and say

"I am the Princess of the Kingdom of Wriothesly Aeriel Arcadia"

Chaoter 22 End