Chapter 23 - Diplomacy

"Now! warriors bring me to your leader!" Alexander would shout at the S ranks and with this Nathan would reply "Should we bring them to the Association oresident or the king?" and as Nathan says this Zhong Shen would answer with "Yeah lets bring em to the Association president but you brits are the ones that should bring em i dont know what shit i need to say to royalty" ajd with this Nathan would reply with "Let Vanessa do it she's the princess" and Vanessa would reply saying "Fine" as she goes to Alexander and as she hoes upfront she would say "Greeting your highness im am the princess of the United Kingdom and we would like to escort you to the Association president" and as Vanessa would finish this Alexander would reply with "Very well" as they go to the meeting room and after ariving at the meeting room they would be greeted by the President of the US Russia France Germany China and the king of The UK as they all say "Please take a seat" and as Alexander seats down Aeriel and other God ranks as Guards of their respective president and as they Enter the King of Britain would say "I am the King of the UK my name is Henry Richtofen and we would like to propose a alliance wigh you not just for Britain but the entire world" and as Alexander hears this he would reply with "fine i will gove something very dear to me but you must give something of equal value and we shall bind this two for eternity to symbolize our Eternal alliance i will allow one of your children or Nobles to Marry my one and only Child Aeriel" and with this all the leaders would start muttering until they would finaly come to a conclusion "We will give our most powerful warrior Flame!" they all would shout and hearing this Nathan would Question them "When the fuck did i agree to this???" and Henry would reply with "Please its for the a better Earth" and with this Nathab would Finally agree and as the discussion finishes a Elven Knight would say "Halt! Only if you beat me will i allow you to Marry Aeriel"