Chapter 30 - Trolls

"What the hell i thought i killed it already...Well i guess trolls tend to have regenerative abilities in video games and novels" Nathan would say as he vircles around the trolls trying to find a weakness

"Hm maybe flames or just kill them instantly" Nathan would think to himself as he summons a spear of fire abd throws it at the heart of a troll near him causing it to die instantly "ah so its imeither Flames or kill them instantly well since it hit the heart its most likely the latter" and as Nathan thought that to himself he would summon 10 more spears and throw it at the troll's heart killing them instantly

(Congratualations you have leveled ip to level 57)

"Nice i guess well i guess i should go home now" Nathan would think to himself as he flys home and as he lands in his backyard and takes of his mask Lily would say "Hey bro! can you come to school with me tommorow the teachers said to bring my guardian or parent for a seminar"

"Sure i guess" Nathan would reply to his sister as he goes into his room and after sleeping the day came

"Lily get in the car" Nathan would say as he opens the car door and as Lily himears ger brother she would reply with "Alright alright ill get in"

and as Both siblings arive at Lily's school the other students would be shocked seeing the Mclaren

"Lily! i dint know you were rich!" one of Lily's freinds would say as she goes over to Lily and as Her freind said this Lily would reply with "Ah cmon Bethesda imim not rhat eich since we only got this wealth recently because of my brother hehe" and as Lily finished speaking Nathan would come out of the car and Bethesda would ask "uh sir then whats your job?" and Nathan would reply with "im a hunter a decently high ranked one i guess" and as he finished speaking the bell would ring causing the siblings to go to the gym for the seminar

Chapter 30 end

Announcement: Because of alot of things in my life this hobby of mine will become 1 chaoter per day i am sorry but life is a rough road and im still in highschool ya know anyways Goodluck on yalls second quarter exams if you go to school