Chapter 31 - Messenger

As Nathab and Lily enter the gym the seminar would start immeadietly

"Hello my name is Derick Herman, im a A class hunter so please do not be wary of any danger so today we will be talking about what to do when you see a monster or a sign of a dungeon break"

Derick would continue speaking on the background whilst Nathab was thinking to himself "Hm i wonder if anything suprising is gonna happen" and Darkness would answer "Fron the information i have gotten most likely" and as Darkness started speaking Nathan would become suprised since Darkness hasnt spoken in a ling time and he would reply "Why havent you spoke since the tournament? abd where did you get that information?" and Darkness would reply with "i was reading and most villains attack at things like this in said Novels" and Nathan was about to reply when a sudden explosion happened killing Derrick in an instant and a masked man would suddenly come out of his blood

"Hello mortals...i am a messenger of the Demon god of Blood...Sacrifice your blood while we are asking...or we will take it by force..." the mysterious man would say causing Nathan to shout "EVERYONE EVACUATE ILL DEAL WITH THIS!" as he puts on his mask and rushes to the messenger as he summons Abyss and Inferno and as he gets closer he would dadh behind him and use Dusk and would immeadietly use Dawn right after causing the messenger to fall back

"Wierd...Human...Answer me...Why do you have the blood of...[REDACTED] in you..." The messenger would say and as he says this the name of the one he was about to say the system would censor said name

"Well... Even if you have Royal blood... you will die not knowing the great being who is your father..."

Chapter 31 End