Chapter 43 -Disaster

"Everyone who is A rank or less Evavuate alongside civilians we will take care of this!!!!" Zhong Feng Aeriel and Nathalia would Shout

"My lord i will stall one alongside the Pheonix" Darkness would say as rides on top Pheonix and flies to one of the elite mobs

"Yuriah Zhong Feng Vanessa help me kills the other one" Nathan would say at the three of them as Nathan and Vanessa flies towards one of the Black Wyverns

"I'll assist both of you" Zhong Feng would say as he creates a gigantic Golem made of Earth and concrete with metal from the fallen buildings

"Hold on!" Yuriah would say as she makes the air 4 meters away from her colder making the warm air rise causing her to fly towards the Black wyvern

and as the 4 of them reach the wyvern the golem would throw a punch but the Wyvern would throw a beam of fire melting making part of its arm and hand into molten magma

"Shit..." Zhong Feng would curse as he gets taken a back by the heat and then Yuriah would cast a spell freezing the molten magma and the creating a Serpent made of ice coliding with the Wyvern causing some damage with Vanessa soon unleashing a ray of light causing more damage

"Alright..." Nathan would say as he uses Chains of Darkness making it unable to move causing it to fall and as it falls the 4 Hunters would create 5 spears of their corresponding element making a new spell

"Spear of the Gods!!!"All 4 of them would shout as the spear penetrates the Wyvern and as the 4 hunters look at the other Wyvern they would see it was already killed by the S ranks and and the other God ranks

"Everyone prepare it isint over yet" Nathan and Zhong Feng would shout and as the scream a deafening roar would come out of the Gate and as a massive black Wyvern would come out it would speak

[S Rank boss Dragon]

"It seems the useless prey died just like that...i wonder those two were nearly dragons thoughbyou cant compare them to me..."

The dragon would say as he unleashes his breath completly annihalating half the S ranks and killing Leronzo and Sung Hae Do whilst cutting one of Jack's arm and as Zhong Feng sees the Beam of fire coming at the 4 of them he would use his greatest defensive spell [Planetary Defense]

Howeaver it would still break causing Zhing Feng to get hit and suffer a major Internal Injury with 3rd degree burns

"Shit..." Zhong Feng would say as he falls unconscious and all the rock formations he made including the golem Crumbles



God ranks:3

S ranks:167

A ranks and lower including Civilians:Evacuated


God ranks: 13

S ranks: 133

Chapter 43 End