Chapter 44 - Hope or just another Foe?

"Everybody focus on the Boss!" Aeriel would shout and as he finishes shouting the dragon would hit her with his tail shatering her ribs making her cough blood and falling unconscious

"Fuck...Well then time to die either for me or for you" Nathan would say in his mind as he uses barrage of the Eclipse dealing minimum damage to the Dragon with Yuriah freezing its left front leg howeaver the heat of the dragon would melt it almost instantly

"Yuriah back down" Vanessa would shout as she and Jack would try to deal damage to the dragon but jack's daggers would not ve able to penetrate its scales causing him to get flung towards a wreckage of a building

and as Jack gets flung Vanessa would use a technique she made from her second trial

"MONKEY KING'S STAFF:RUYI JINGU BANG" and as she shouts a giantic staff made of Light would fall from the sky and as the Dragon sees it he would unleash his breath colliding with the staff creating a gigantic shockwave strong enough to kill most of the remaining S class and the god of Sand and the Spear

"Ack!!!!" and as Vanessa strugles Ruyi Jingu Bang would manage to cancel the Dragon's breath causing it to hit howeaver it would not deal major damage because of the energy it used when colliding with the Dragon's Breath

"" Vanessa would say before she falls unconscious and as the dragon was about to kill her Nathan would use Shield of darkness managing to absorb most of the kinetic energy unleashing it back at the dragon

" think you would manage to block that...not bad for a mere human" The Dragon would say as it unleashes its breath once more

"Please be enough...[Gamma Ray Burst:5%]"

and as both rays of heat collide a massive explosion would occur once more and as Nathan overpowers the dragon he would manage to hit the dragon right in its mouth finally causing major damage

"Shit...i dint care anymore...even if i have to abandon humanity or die...Darkness How do i activate my 'genes'..." Nathan would say

"My lord it would take a considerable amount of time..." Darkness would say and as Nathan hears this he would nod

"Everybody! Can you stall for time?!" Nathan would shout with everyone Nodding they would immeadietly rush to the dragon as Darkness wounds his hand creating a magic circle with his blood

"We just need to stall!" Yuriah would shout as she uses ice dragon with QingLong uses his Breath mixing with Yuriah's attack boiling the water and managing to cause minimum damage but Yuriah and QingLing would be swept away by a gust if wind as the dragon flaps his wings and as the gust is about to reach the unconscious hunters and Nathan Pheonix would rush to block it with her breath managing to stall it enough for Brooke the create a wall of steel

"Arghh!!!!!!" Brooke shouts in pain as he strengthens his steel and finally after their struggles the ritual would be completed

(We greet the Archdemon son of the Demonking Archdemon...Satan Von Morningstar)

and as everyone saw the system's message Nathan would arise with a fiery tail with wings and Horns of fhe same element with pitch black fire as he gets covered with more dark fire

"[Demonic Hellfire of Decimation]" Nathan would say in a calm demonic voice as he smiles with his blood red Mouth and Eyes making a upside down Cresent moon of the very same colour

"Hehe...the smell of blood...THE ADRENALINE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA KUHAHAHAHAHA....keke...the massacre is just starting hehe" Nathan would say in a demonic voice as he creates a gigantic black fire ball resembling the sun

Chaoter 44 End