Chapter 45 - Battle's Finale

"Theres...No way..." the Dragon would say as Nathan says

"[Hell's Core]" and as he throws the gigantic fire ball made of black fire colliding with the Dragon

"[Storm of Demonic Swords]" Nathan would say as he creates swords made of Darkness managing to inflict major damage to the dragon and with the dragon realizing it only has half its vitality it would unleash its breath colliding directly with Nathan

"Arghh!!!!!!" Nathan would grunt and scream in pain and as he gets burned by the dragon's breath he would say

"[Gamma Ray burst:5%]" as a maseive ray of heat light and flames would collide with the dragon's breath which was burning Nathan

"AHHHH!!!!!!" both the Dragon and Nathan would scream as they're attacks collide and after a 3 minute struggle Nathan would finally overpower the dragon as he falls unconscios and as Nathan's attack collides with the dragon a massive smoke cloud would happen because of the explosion

(Leveled up to level 142)

"Is it over?" Yuriah and Nathalia would say

and as the smokes starts to clear the dragon would be stand making everyone which is still conscious alert but as the upper part of the smoke cloud clears they would see the dragon without its head and after a couple seconds the corpse would finally fall

"he...HAHAHAHA ITS FINALLY OVER!!!" Aeriel would shout in celebration as the other hunters would shout aswell

"we did it...." Yuriah would say as she lays down taking a rest alas

[6 hours later]

"you finally woke up" Zhong Feng would say as Nathan woke up

"How long was i out?" Nathan would ask

with Nathalia replying with

"6 hours for you 3 hours is the average for most god ranks here"

"ah is that so?...wait what about my body??? WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE DO I LOOK LIKE A DEMON STILL" Nathan would stay nervously as he finds a mirror with Yuriah replying

"you look human dont worry"

"ah...well then it was a good fight..." Nathan would reply and after 2 weeks a memorial would be made at Seoul for the dead hunter and the 4 God rank hunters who made the most Contribution

[Immortal God of the Earth Zhong Feng]

[Saintess of Light Vanessa Richtofen]

[Hellish Blizzard of Frost Yuriah Ivanov]

[Immortal Flame Nathan Walker]

Casualties:34k including Civilians

Chaoter 45 End