Chapter 51 - Incarnation of Hell

And as Nathan would start to use his Authority the mob of monsters would start to get cut and devoured into thousands of pieces and then a voice would speak

"My liege i see you have gotten everything that his majesty Lucifer has left you...with this now i can serve you with all my power"

Darkness would say as he kneels on the blood stained ground holding a wyverns head

"Heh...Arise" Nathan would say as skeletons would start rising from the ground

"Now...Enter my soul and let us march as one"

and after his army enters his soul multiple explosions would start happening a blizzard on the north a gigantic Earthquake from the North West a Titanic Hurricane on the east with more popping out later

"well with me doing all this bullshit i should atleast show off right Darkness?" Nathan would say

"Yes my Liege" Darkness would nod

"Well then...[Incarnation of Hell]"

and as Nathan finishes speakingnreality itself starts to break as the land around him would change and the monsters surrounding him in a 3 kilometee radius would start burning or sliced with flames as hot or even hotter than the sun

(Coungratualations you have leveled up to...)

30 minutes later

"Everyone return to Kinshasa" Nathan would say on his watch as he starts to return to base and as Nathan arrives at the base and enter the meeting room after flying ther from the battlefield he would immeadietly speak

"So everyone lets report what we have...first i assume everyone has passed their final trial?"

Nathan would say as everyone nods with Nathan Continuing

"First i have gained some evidence that after some time the dungeon will transform its surrounding into what the habbitat of the monster is so sooner or later half or all off Africa will become a monster fest"

"As time goes on it will be more and more disadvantangeous so i will say it only one time...I am sorry howevee this is the only logical answer...Evacuate."