Chapter 52 - Evacuation

"Are you fucking insane!" - the president would scream

"Come on i'd rather abandon the region and build a wall than let millions of people die im not the righteous hero you people think i am i follow logic" Nathan would say with a stern face and he would continue his sentence saying

"The best i can do to help is stall time for your people to evacuate and make a dam and make a wall...If you dont want to evacuate because of your greed i have no obligation to jump into hell without gaining anything"

"Urgh...Fine 2 Months stall for time till we can evacuate everyone and make a wall..."

The president would say with Nathan immeadietly flying to the frontlines while calling William

"Yes? what happened for you to call me" William would answer

"Make a evacuation order it's to late to save the southern part of Africa and southern Africa we're currently giving a evacuation order send reinforcements while we stall time for about a month or two" Nathan would say

and after speaking a massive explosion would happen on the ground with a gigantic golem with its eyes being higher than a 5 stoey house

"Oi Flame why did you suddenly run away" Zhong Feng would scream as he rides the golems head with Nathan smiling and saying

"Simple i should do my job or should i not?" Nathan would answer as Yuriah and Vanessa fly up to him with brook creating vehichles for the other god ranks who can't fly

"how can both of you even fly?" Zhong Feng would ask both of them

"well cold air is heavier than warm air you know i just freeze the air that surrounds the air around me" Yuriah would answer

"The sun is the light and i am light itself...Now then" Vanessa would answer

"[Monkey King's staff: Ruyi Jingu Bang]"

and as Vanessa uses his ultimate attack the monsters on rhe ground would immeadietly die with the shockwave killing or injuring those that are miles away

"Guess everyone got stronger ay" Nathan would say as he uses Barrage of the Eclipse with Yuriah going down to the ground while saying

"I guess i should show off some times...[God's Authority:Hellish Blizzard of the Northern Tundra]