Drake was sure things would be blossoming and happy the next day.
He strolled casually to his car and opened it.
Sliding into the passenger seat, he closed the door behind him and relaxed into the driver's seat.
Things were going great.
They were going exactly the way he had hoped they would.
He smiled.
Not a single agent had stood in his way when he had usurped the position of new mafia boss of the Lieself House.
His smile faltered. And not a single agent had stood in his way when he had killed their old mafia boss in cold-blooded murder.
Drake sat in his car in silence for a long time before he started it and began to back out of the large drive.
In the world, only the strong survived. The weak got eaten up with no help for them.
It was the same in the Mafia scene and was sometimes more the case.