
At first I would like to express that this book might be unexpected and not liked by many yet I want to publish this for my dear Palestinian brothers and sisters.

We all know what's going on in this world right now. Let me remind everyone that this is not a war rather this is a genocide. According to Google genocide means the intentional killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that Nation or group.

All of this started in 1948. Some Jews came to Palestine an independent and sovereign nation as refugees. The Muslims were in majority back then. This place is a holy Land for all Muslims. Happily welcoming the Jews, the Palestinians let them stay at their place at homes.

They never knew that this decision would be their biggest mistake in the future. A group of Jews formed a nation named Israel. Even the flag of this nation was stolen.

Out of greed and vanity they started claiming the holy Land of the Palestinians as theirs. Thousands of Palestinians were kicked out of their homes not being able to bid their goodbyes to their own land. Ever since 1948 the inhumane torture on these innocent humans started.

Even in 2023 their houses are bombed, electricity is cut off, there is no supply of food and water in Palestine. The internet is also cut off for the Palestinians. These people lost their houses, property, loved ones, jobs, food and many more. They lost their everything and yet they still hope that this land will be theirs again one day.

These people still hope that one day they can raise the flag of Palestine up high and proudly say that Palestine is free.

How much more torture do they have to endure? Just how much? Isn't what happening already enough?

Journalists and reporters who give us the daily information about what's going on there are also being killed. Nobody is safe there. Not even animals. Israelis have no mercy on these innocent people.

The Israel people destroyed many mosques, hospitals, houses and bombed a graveyard. Innocent children who haven't been enrolled in school lost their lives, parents and relatives. Children have been orphaned, animals have been killed mercilessly by the dangerous bombs, adults are dying too.

Many people who survived have lost their limbs and can't live their lives normally. People lost their smile, happiness, loved ones. And we all still have whatever they don't have yet we aren't grateful.

These people are brave, brave enough to raise their voice against this inhumane torture knowing that they will get murdered soon. Even after losing everything they still smile hoping that tomorrow will be better and is grateful to their Lord for everything.

Where are everyone speaking of human rights, animal rights, women rights, children rights? Why are your mouths shut? Why can't you speak against this genocide? For how long will you keep quiet and keep watching?

As a helpless teenager I myself feel bad watching the videos of my Muslim brothers and sisters being tortured. However I don't have the power to supply money or food to them. All these power are owned by the politicians who are living their lives normally acting as if nothing is happening to these people.

The United Nations is famous for working for worldwide peace and cooperation. It was formed in 1945 in order to lessen the damages caused by World War II. United Nations formerly known as League of Nations is surprisingly silent about this genocide.

Isn't this the well known organization that works for maintaining peace? Why is the UN silent now? Where is everyone when it comes to Palestine?

The UN is handled by a woman who's husband supplies weapon to the Israelis. In order to keep her husbands business well she's keeping her mouth shut about this oppression.

The truth can't be hidden for long. People are voting 'no' to cease fire. Aren't they the same people who want peace?

If you genuinely want peace then end this war with justice. The Palestinians never did anything wrong and the wrongdoers are living their lives in peace.

The longer we keep silent the longer this oppression will go on. One last reminder is that the wrongdoers will be given their right punishment and the victims will be given their own rights and their own land back.

This isn't a war about religion. You don't need to be a Muslim to support Palestine, you just need to be a human being containing emotions. This was a wake up call to everyone and I hope that people will continue to speak up about these innocent people and in sha allah they will speak up for you in the hereafter.