Their sacrifices

In a world different types of people have different lifestyles. But the life of the Palestinians continue to stand out. In a world where children play around and go outside, they are welcomed back by hugs given from their mother.

In the same world and in a country named Palestine mothers are afraid to let their children go out in fear that they might be killed by the torturers. The Israelis have been bombing Gaza non stop. And no warnings are able to stop them. Because of this continuous bombing several women are afraid to let their children go out thinking that they might get martyred. Parents are the ones who love their own children the most. No one can replace this love. Every parent wants to see their children grow up in a healthy and proper way and environment.

A child has many dreams about their future. In a world where children are freely able to do anything they want, there is a land named Palestine which is occupied and in this land children who are supposed to play and enjoy their childhood are scared of the continuous bombing. They think that this is the situation happening in the other corners of the world. Their dreams are crushed and their lives are destroyed.

Parents with deep grief have to bury their own children. A father is the closest to his daughter. Due to the bombing a little child died and her father being her only guardian carried her for the last time in his arms and smiled sadly knowing that he couldn't do anything to save his daughter.

Little boys are the ones who go out the most to play among themselves. And in Palestine they are stuck inside due to them being afraid of being killed. These people lost their own homes because of the never ending bombing.

Every rich and poor persons in Palestine had lost their own homes. Many got stuck in rubbles. They have no food, water, electricity, internet connection yet they aren't still thinking about giving up their beautiful land.

Some people are burning their textbooks just to make bread. The Palestinians were so happy and grateful to their Protector for giving them rain. They started to preserve the rain water and try to drink it. And the Israelis had to intervene even in this situation. They started claiming that rain water belonged to Israel. How long will the Zionists keep lying and how long will the powerful people keep supporting them?

The people of Israel weren't contended after bombing several places of Gaza. At one point they started bombing the graves of the martyrs. The Israelis told the people of Gaza to migrate from one place to another and yet they didn't let them live in peace. They bombed them even at that place.

We all know that Jesus aka Hazrat Isa (As.) was born in Jerusalem of Palestine. The Christians who believe in him celebrated what some people believe as his birthday i. e Christmas Day. It might be a part of their religion but did they forget that their favourite Palestinian man was born in this very land?

Even in an old Bible the land of Palestine is known as a holy piece of land. And some believe that this land never belonged to Palestine. Before welcoming the Jews, this land was beautiful and a rich land which many people wanted their country to be like.

Besides the Christians who believe that Jesus was crucified should remember that the ones he killed him were some Jews. And they still continue to support Israel.

The world leaders or the most powerful ones continue to support Israel just because this fake country has the support of a powerful country like the United States. Even the Arabs who are Muslims forgot their Muslim brothers and supported Israel saying that this war can't break their good relationship with Israel.

Since the United States stands with Israel and both are believed to be great friends, then friends always give and take different things from each other. If they are so close and love each other so much then why doesn't the US offer a piece of land to the Israelis?

Every country has been held accountable for occupying other country or nation and claiming it to be theirs. However in the case of Israel a country that never existed to be honest everyone is silent. For continuous 75 years every one of you kept watching many innocent people bring killed and thought that this was a war going on between two countries.

Even Jews support Palestine and stand with humanity. Yet the Arab leaders continue to support Israel. Israel is formed by a group of Jew migrates who came to the most beautiful and holy Land Palestine. And after getting so much hospitality from the people of Palestine they were still ungrateful.

They wanted more than that. Instead of repaying their favour they occupied the holy land named Palestine. And claimed most of the part of this country as theirs. They also drove away all the Palestinians from their own country after getting some power.

Before the Palestinians helped them they were some helpless beggars who needed some help. And when offered some they decided to betray the people who provided them with shelter, food and other basic needs.

Parents started writing names of their children on their body parts just in case their body gets torn into pieces by this bombing. No parent, no children should suffer in this way. Human rights, women rights, children rights, animal rights all are ignored in this genocide.

This isn't a message for Muslims only. Rather it's a message from me to all of humanity who ever reads this. How long will you keep silent watching this genocide? Just how long? These people made a lot of sacrifices in their lives. Would you be able to do the same as them? Would you ever dream about your family and friends being killed and smile brightly as if nothing happened the next day?

After all of these they still continue to smile and thank their Lord for this. Because anyone who is killed is a martyr and in Islam a martyr immediately goes to heaven after being killed.

I just want everyone to see this in the right point of view and continue to spread awareness. The people of Palestine needs us.

Another thing almost the same thing is going in different countries like Syria, Sudan, Lebanon, Congo and Kashmir. Please pray for them. Regardless of your race, religion, gender I want all of you to support the truth which is right in front of you.