chapter 4. old house

The day when my parents leave me at the grand father's house and i was watching the whole house it was a casual classical home.

In the old days people usually live at the houses and out at the house there was a field and it was extremely large place where we can play at but I was alone here till now there was no friends here.

The day I went out at the morning and I saw its was large village and I saw a two boys playing at the ground with my current age.

When I went near to them that I said I want to play with them .They were just refused me to play because I was their friend also said they don't know about me. Then I returned to the house.

The day at night I was just slept with a guilt that why I would came here and my parents left me here and I didn't got sleep but yes I was sure that I get punishment from them.

The next day i was at the house my grandfather was a farmer and he went out everyday but today he was at home with me that he showed me his room and and the whole house I haven't seen that when I was came from till the first day.

The house was huge and there was many houses grandfather told that house was his grandfather's one nearly it was 100 years old.

Then we sit Together and eat the dinner he made a noodles specially for me. We ate our dinner and after the dinner I said goodnight to my grandfather and went to my bed and laid on it and I felt the day was left good.

The next day morning grandfather was went for farming and I was alone at home and came out of the house and stare at the weather it was cool and anytime will rain .

But I look at the climate there was a mountains behind the house and there was a lots of trees that were filled with greenary around the mountain.

The evening it was a sunset and the view between the mountains was amazing.

The whole day I spent my time at out of the house and sit under the tree at the bench.

The grandfather's house was fully covered with nature which I was spend my whole day.

Grand father came and saw me at out of the house and aske dhwta are you doing

I replied that I was felt bore than i came out.

Grandfather took me inside and gave me something to eat the day.

He bought a corn and fruits from the farming and then he cooked a corns for me and we both sit together and ate them.

The way the day has been went out and i sit at the window really started missing my parents at the room and want to went back to home.

the day I tried most.