chapter 5.missing them

At the night I missed my parents a lot then the next day early morning I have call them to talk and asked them to take him home.

But he refused to take him.

After he went out his mom call back again.

Hakudoshi asked,

Mom I want return home

She replied,

Not now, there is more time to just spend your time with your grandfather she suggest

He asked , why

Because you have expelled from your school till then you will be safe there

You know Melbourne is so dangerous if it's school okay but you were doing something dangerous with your friends.

Didn't you thought about one second what will happen to you.

This is is the reason you were there she said to him.

Don't think about anything just enjoy there.

I think your time is precious so then enjoy yourself and be with your grandfather

Summer is so long to come but you got holidays to enjoy. she said

But mom there is no friends here he said ,

Okay I will talk to your grandfather don't worry about it. Well take care my dear soon we will take you to home don't worry about it.

The next day she calls his father in law and said him to take him out with him and he felt alone at home.

If he took him out he will be refresh and also his mood changes then he replied he will then he hung up his call.

The next day his grand father took him out where he works and he show him all the village.

After the school expell Yuki was s at his home his parents weren't allowed him to out and house arrested him there

One day he tried and went out then he knew that his remaining friends ito , Hiroshi was also house arrested at their homes

He to went his home back and all were house arrested no one will permitted out they were at their punishment.

Because his punishment was ended and one month of expelled was completed than they bought him back to the house

The next day he have to go school normally as usual as before he was going that's why they brought him back to the home

Also they thought that if he will be at home then he will get danger that's why send him

After then when his mother came to room everythin was told to him .

It was just for his good

Now you were back to home and you can go school from tomorrow as before.

Also she was happy that he will went to school again.