chapter 6. strangers fight.

Few days has been passed and I was alone at home grandfather was went out then I thought that went somewhere out and take fresh air.

So, then I started walking at the road and I almost got for a mile through there is no human out there.

The place was so calm and i saw a broken building then I went to it and there are four people who were talking

I stood behind the wall and watching them they were abusing each other and saying that was there's

I have seen after some they were talking about the ring that was powerful and they were quarelling about the ring.

One said that he was kept his efforts to got the power and the other man's also justified himself about it

Firstly three people become one team and they killed the other person.

Again they three started there conversation and they were shared their opinions .

Again they killed another and after then fell on the ground.

The remaining two were atred at each other faces and then the opposite person knows that he will definitely kill him then the both were stabbed themselves and they thought if he didn't get the power then either opposite one to lose it.

After they both fell down hakudoshi was watched for five minutes continuously but they won't get up then he went near to them then he saw them they were died and he saw a black ring then picked it up

Suddenly he hear the sound of someone coming then he ran away after he take ring with him.

After he came to home he sit at his bed and watched the ring it had a Blackstone on it.

He just mind himself is it really a powerful ring then he tried to wear it. Then he hear that his grandfather returned from farming.

Then he kept a ring at the table and went out to see his grandfather.

Then his grandfather he went out and bring some stuff which was need on home.

After he return to home his grandfather got a call from his parents an they were coming to pick him to home.

Then hakudoshi and his grandfather was packed his thing and then they both sit at outside.

Then hakudoshi was went inside the room and saw a ring then he was about to wear it.

Then his grandfather came to room then hakudoshi got afraid then the ring was fell on the ground .

What are doing here you parents has arrived he said

He replied iam coming grandfather than he went with his grandfather by looking back at the ring.

They sit for few minutes and tooka coffee sip then they took hakudoshi with them to the Melbourne City again.

After then they sit at the car and his mom said say goodbye to grandfather then he said bye.

Then grandfather also waved his hand to him .then they began to the return the Melbourne City.