chapter 7.return to school

The expelled students were return to school as usual and they went their school again and the principal called them to his office .

They went to inside of his office and stand their at a line and waiting for his principal s words

After sometime when he got free then he began saying as

Your punishment had bring a change in you as I think he warned that this time I just expelled from the school but next time you will lose your whole year if it's repeat again.

After he said he allowed us to went back to our study rooms.

Then they went to their room and they seated at their places and after the end of school picked pending notes from their friends.

And we were started saying that what they had done at homes to everyone .

Also they were surprised after we entered there.

One boy said we thought that you will never comeback again.

Yoshi ouch said huh we too thought the same but we just expelled for month.

See we are back now .

After the school they went to their homes.

At the evening at Melbourne yoshi with his friends including hakudoshi went their and it was accident and the officer's transported a fire fighting equipment to their and to stop the fire and yuki and his gang went to help them but the man said you were children now you have no need to come over there said them to stay away.

At the evening yuki gang was gather at out and they were talked aout the school returm then yuki daid that he visited eberyones house ebery parents were bot allowed him to meet then he said I went hakudoshi house his mother said he was not in toen he went to his grandfather

Hakudoshi said my parents send me there because I fot holidays then I was with my grandgather

Yoshi ouch replied that his parents were house arrested him and not allowed him out then he escaped from window wheneber he want to go out,

Finally we were meet again at our schools and at our town then they played for some time there at the road.