chapter 8. crime series (part2)

The next day at night when they were at the out the tv displayed all have seen a news that serial killer was wandering at streets and warned the people at Melbourne city to be aware of it gave orders to no entry to out at nights.

The night people were stayed at homes and nobody went out and hakudoshi was at the window and watching from the room there was a man came to their street and few men's were also surrounded him.

They were in front of the mall and they were decided to attack then they throw a bottle at the shop and then they took a cloth and set a fire to it and then they throw it upon a mall firstly they throw a fuel bottle and then burnt it.

After he seen it hakudoshi got afraid and run to his bed and close his eyes tight and slept then he wake up at morning .

He wake up then he remembered the last night incident then he went again to the window and watched the the mall was half burnt the officers was stopped the fire as soon as possible may be the shop was remained to them

He went to his bed and laid at it then his mother came and called hakudoshi wake up it yours school time then he went to washroom and got ready for the school and sit at the table for breakfast.

There parents was taking his father said did you see last night someone came and attacked at the shop then she replied yes dear I have seen it was half burnt people saying officers was there too whe incident was take place after then they try to catch them but they ran away from the city

By the reason the mall was got back to him again if it burn more then he will be lose

Then hakudoshi was went to his room again then her mother came behind to him and asked dint you eat the breakfast then hakudshi said that he cant eat also he was late to school to today then his father left him at the school.

The shop was damaged at out but inside it was good.

After few days the shop owner painted the shop and repaired it. And the shop was looked as usual as before.