Kaede Arc (1st Year)

(Short Recap to the last scene of the School Trip Arc)

Sora walked out and head downstairs but was stopped by Aika.

Sora: *confused* "What's wrong?"

Aika: *blushing* "This is what i wanted to give you after you risked your life for me, that day.."

Aika Kissed Sora's Cheek, before running off.

Sora was stunned but he blushed, as he fainted from it, standing tho.

Sora: *in thought* "That Actually Happened I Guess."

----End Of Recap----

Kaede: *looking angry at Aika kissing Sora* "I'll destroy those interfering with my Love with him."

Kaede would laugh sinisterly, as her face darkened and her yandereish intentions were seeping out and ready to leak out.

Kaede would then laugh, almost like that Suno Yasai from Kirai Mikki.

Kaede: *smirking* "S-Sora~."

Kaede: *angry* "where is daisuke.."

Daisuke: *scared* "Kaede?"

Kaede would then tell Daisuke about her issue.

Kaede: *smirked* "Remember I was the one who told you to make those rumors about Sora."

Daisuke: *sighed* "Fine..."

Kaede: "also thanks for giving me Sora's Phone Number"

Daisuke: "No Problem..."

Kaede would drool, thinking of ways to make sora her boyfriend.

Kaede: *grinned* "Sora will become my boyfriend with this.."

Kaede would then get angry as she notices Sora with Luna, Hana, Emi, Aika, Natsuki, Rin & Moriko.

Hiroyuki would wave at Sora, which also made Kaede Angry from afar.

Kaede: *angry* "I HATE THIS.."

Kaede would walk off while she was on her phone.

Kaede: *smirking* "I'll make sure Sora is mine for once."

Kaede then stopped and hid somewhere so Sora doesn't spot her.

Sora would be walking with Mia & Yuki, chatting with them.

Sora: *smirked* "How about we hang out with my other friends."

Yuki: *smiled* "Okay~.."

Mia would nod, but she noticed Kaede for a split second before looking back as she thought it was a different student.

Mia: *sighing* "..."

Mia would yawn before realizing it's almost time for gym class.

Yuki ran ahead with Mia, as they both waved at Sora.


Kaede would kick things in the room as she then walked to the school computer room where we see Takashi, Jisu & Daisuke all there.

Daisuke would be playing the game, Zero's Impact and was in dialogue with Saimin.

Daisuke: *laughing* "there's a line to say, she'll be our emergency food."

Takashi yawns, as he was just asleep and then Jisu was just playing Blox on the Computer.

Kaede would walk off pissed off, but then Jisu asked, "What's Wrong.."

Kaede would ask Jisu to come here, to which she would take her knife out, stabbing him twice before slamming his head into the glass of the door.

Jisu would be bleeding, as Kaede told Takashi to stitch him up.

Takashi would stitch Jisu's Injuries up, then they faced Kaede.

Kaede: *grins* "we will make sure Sora becomes my Boyfriend understand..."

Kaede would be drooling over the time, she called sora's phone that day.

*Start of Quick Flashback to what kaede did that day before the exposing video was out*

Kaede would mask her voice before she called Sora.

Kaede (VM): "I WANT YOU"

Sora: *concerned* "Want me for what?"

Kaede (VM): "BE WITH ME"




Sora: *annoyed* "What?"

Kaede (VM): *angered* "YOU ARE NEXT TO BE MY WORSE ENEMY...."

Sora hung up the phone, Kaede would drool as she then play back the parts with Sora's Voice only.

Kaede: *drooling* "....Sora~...."

*End of The Flashback*

Kaede: *drooling* "I'LL MAKE HIM MINE."

Kaede would call some men to kidnap the ones with sora so she can have sora for herself.

Sora would get a random chill down his back, as he stared upwards in the sky.

Sora: *in his head* "I felt like there was a random cold breeze."

Sora walked off as then noticed Megumi getting approached by someone suspicious.

???: *Smirking* "Hey You willing to come with me for the day?"

Sora would began to walk forward until he whacked on the head.

Sora: *before losing consciousness* "....megu-...."

Sora collapsed on the ground.

Sora would wake up in a bedroom, tied up.

Kaede: *drooling* "SORA....KUN"

Sora noticed Kaede, confused. "Kaede... untie me please.."

Kaede would laugh as she then smirked. "no thanks."

Kaede: *licking her lips* "Sora... I've been calling you.."

Kaede blushed as she began to try to kiss Sora, who was trying to tilt his head back.

Kaede would get angry at this.

Kaede: *angered* "Why Are You Moving Away from my affection..."

Sora would blindly say, "I am not into a weird girl like you..."

Kaede laughed it off as she then stormed off.

Daisuke, Takashi & Jisu would walk to Kaede.

Kaede: *angered* "Watch Sora for me..."

Daisuke: *smirked* "I don't think he likes you."

Kaede: *glaring* "who said that."

Jisu: *sighed* "it was takashi."

Takashi: *pointed* "it was Jisu."

Daisuke would walk inside the room, where sora was tied up.

Daisuke: *weirded out* "Sora??"

Sora would glare at Daisuke, "Let me go free.."

Daisuke ignored Sora as he guarded the room from the inside.

Daisuke noticed Sora's Phone, buzzing.

Daisuke answered it, it was Aika.

---Start of Phone Call---

Aika: *worried* "Sora where are you??"

???: "...who is this?..."

Aika: *shouting* "WHERE ARE YOU?"

???: *whispered* "The Abandoned Building by the School..."

Aika: *smiled* "You sound familiar to someone from school."

???: *Smiled* "i'll help what I can, sora is in trouble so i'll do what i can to protect him."


We would get a glimpse of Aika, Hiroyuki, Hana, Luna, Emi, Megumi, Moriko running to the abandoned building where the school doesn't use anymore.

Aika: *while running* "Let's Split Up"

Hiroyuki: *confused* "It'll make things uneven.."

Moriko: *fueled by anger* "No... I Just want to save Sora..."

Everyone Else agreed and so everyone split up in order to save sora.

Meanwhile while this was going as a planned, Takashi noticed Daisuke, Untying Sora.

Sora: *smiled* "Thanks."

Daisuke: *smirking* "when this is all over, i wouldn't mind being your friend.."

Sora: *chuckled* "Sure, i'll love that to be honest."

Takashi would walk inside and noticed Daisuke with Sora.

Takashi would charge at Daisuke which caused Daisuke to kick Takashi in the skull, knocking him out from the impact.

Daisuke: *told sora* "i'll help you escape this place."

Sora: *Nods* "Alright"

Jisu would notice Takashi but he would get kicked into the wall, after by Sora which knocked him out.

Daisuke and Sora would hide as some delinquent groups were here since kaede called them to deal with anyone trying to save sora.

A Familiar Voice who fought Sora was heard from afar, it was tsukasa.

Tsukasa: *sighed* "we are only helping cuz we need the money for funding remember.."

Tsukasa: *sighed* "Yo Akihiro what is Katsuro doing??"

Akihiro: *passing Tsukasa a smoke* "He's guarding the left side.."


We would see Kaede walk to the area where she put sora in and seen Jisu and Takashi on the ground.

Kaede took out her knives and woke them up.

Kaede: *smirking* "You two let him escape..."

Kaede would laugh as she then whispered, "say goodbye to your lives."

Everyone heard screaming as Kaede stabbed Jisu in the neck and Stabbed Takashi in the stomach.

Kaede took out the knives and as she laughed as Jisu and Takashi Died from their injuries.

Meanwhile Tsukasa told everyone to stop being scared and search around for Sora.

Tsukasa: *alerted* "Hey Get out from there..."

Tsukasa: *getting annoyed* "HUH??"

Sora would tell Daisuke to help him out, which daisuke nodded, agreeing.

Sora would rush at Tsukasa and his crew, with Daisuke who was following behind Sora.

Daisuke: *smirking* "I am proud at myself for finally losing a ton of weight and gaining some muscle.."

Daisuke then Knee Striked Akihiro who then twitched from the impact.

Daisuke: *sighing* "did he just pass out to a single blow like that guy from Vate: One?"

Sora: *chuckled* "at least he isn't like Zero from Two Piece..."

Sora and Daisuke Laughed as they focused their attention to Tsukasa.

Tsukasa would get into a fighting stance.

Sora would whisper to Daisuke, "Focus your strength into a single hook swing like this."

Sora demonstrated on Tsukasa who then was caught off guard by the swing, and caused him to staggered back.

Daisuke would then use his elbow and Caused Tsukasa to pass out from the impact.

Sora: *chuckled* "Nice One"

Daisuke smiled, saying "Thanks."

Daisuke and Sora would run towards the exit, but Kaede would block their path by throwing a knife at Sora but Daisuke would take the hit, causing himself to collapse due to the impact.

Sora: *angered* "Daisuke...HOW DARE YOU KAEDE"

Kaede: *laughed* "Sora... Don't Get Angry with me."

Kaede dashed at Sora, who was trying to block but kaede elbowed him in the jaw, causing Sora to bleed in the nose.

Sora: *angered* "..."

Sora would palm strike Kaede, but Kaede countered it by Slamming her Foot directly to his jaw.

Sora staggered back, but then Sora would smack himself.

Sora would dash forward as then axe kicked downwards to strike kaede but she countered it and grabbed sora's face, slamming it on the ground.

Sora would twitch as he was about to lose until A Couple of Voices were heard, as they noticed Sora.

Aika would then appear as she told the others to get sora out of here which they did.

Aika glared at Kaede as she then walked up, lifting her by the neck.

Aika: *glaring* "I don't really like you..."

Sora would tell them to stop as the others would let sora be there for Aika as they seemed to realize Aika might be the one for Sora.


Aika would hit kaede with a right hook and then she knee striked her jaw.

Kaede would get pissed off as she tried to use her knives to try to kill Aika.

Aika: *glaring* "What a Pussy Way of Fighting..."

Aika continuing while mocking Kaede, "Knives during a 1 on 1 fist fight is wild.."

Aika then broke Kaede's Arm by bending it back with her strength.

Aika then hit Kaede with a spinning front kick, before slapping her in order to knock her out.

Aika would begin to walk off but she then stopped as she heard laughter.

Kaede: *drooling, angrily* "Sora.... will be mine only~..."

Kaede then dashed at Aika who then blocked but then Sora defended Aika by sending a Axe Kick into Kaede's Skull, causing her foam from the mouth from the impact as she passed out.

Sora then realized his body was fatigued from the fight against kaede earlier so he couldn't move.

Aika would smile as she then hug Sora as they then blushed at each other's kiss.

Aika would carry Sora, who then blushed at this.

Aika: *in her head* "I think i am in love with him..."

Sora: *in his head* "I Think i am in love with her..."

Aika would make it outside as she also carried the injured daisuke with them as well.

Hiroyuki, Moriko, Megumi, Emi & Hana would smile at them, but then they noticed daisuke with them.

Hiroyuki: *confused* "what happened to daisuke?"

Aika: *sighing* "imma take sora to the nurse, so just call the police about the people in that place and take daisuke to the hospital as well."

everyone else nodded since they didn't want to know about Aika's bad side.

A few minutes after Hiroyuki called the Police.

The Police stormed in the abandoned place, and found the people inside there, arresting several people, including Kaede who was the mastermind of all this.

The Police was found a couple of bodies dead on the ground, who were victims of Kaedes.

A Few Hours Later....

Sora: *smiling* "...so."

Aika: *smiling* "So What...."

Aika and Sora stared at each other, blushing.

Aika would kiss Sora on the cheek before leaving, unable to say what she wanted to say.

Sora would sigh as He would then wave goodbye to Aika.

Sora would head off to sleep.