This will be a short ova special <3 so enjoy.
don't be confused as i said before as this halloween filler special ova will be during Sora & his friends first year of high school so it takes place after the events between the Kaede Arc & The Beach Romance Arc.
We shift to October 31, 2020 to when It was Halloween.
Sora eyed his watch, as he sighed a bit.
Sora: "...Who am I Going to Dress Up As.."
Sora would dress up as Ichigo Kurosaki from Blotch.
We fast forward to 2 hours later where Sora is at Shibuya for Halloween.
A Woman would be running a bit lewd like causing Sora's Nose to Bleed.
Sora: "look like I hit the jackpot." *he would cover his nose, as it bleed*
Sora: "Huh?"
???: "Huh?!"
Sora would get pissed off, until Hiroyuki would calm him down.
Sora: "Hiroyuki!?"
Hiroyuki would be dressed up as Tsukasa from The Ultimate Warrior's Harem.
Hiroyuki: "I look like the real deal huh."
Sora muttered, "yeah...and real weak too..."
Hiroyuki would get angry as he then lifted Sora's Collar.
Hiroyuki: "what was that?!"
Sora: "Nothing.."
We shift to another part of the shibuya district, where we see Daisuke, Aika, Moriko, Yuki & etc.
Daisuke would be dressed as Natsu Dragneezballs, from Fairly Tail.
Daisuke: "huh, i look hot."
Daisuke would try to make a move on Moriko but Moriko wasn't interested.
Moriko was dressed as princess zelda from Legend of Z.
Moriko: "..DIE"
Moriko would ruthlessly kick Daisuke, multiple times.
Daisuke would cry, as he then foamed from the mouth.
Aika would yawn as she would get irritated at Sora's & Hiroyuki's bad timing.
Aika was dressed as Hikari Nakamura from Faded Petals.
Aika: "...if i was Hikari from Faded Petals I'd curse them."
Aika would eye at Hana's Costume.
Aika: "who is that?!"
Hana: "casuals won't understand."
Hana was dressed up as Valerie from Half Speed.
A Random Guy would stare at Hana, to which pissed off hana randomly.
The Guy was Scared as he ran off.
Hana: "...i would never get mad at Sora~.."
Emi: "...You are annoying."
Hana: "What was that, Emi.."
Emi would be dressed up as Grimmrose from AOAD.
Emi: "A Woman like myself would dress elegantly.."
Emi & Hana would begin to butt heads with each other.
Yuki and Mia would finally arrive, as sighed telling them to hurry for the party.
They all hurried off, as they were running to it.
Yuki was dressed up as Eleanora from Cold's Distant Adventures.
Yuki: "We are almost there."
Mia was dressed as Shantae from Shantae.
Mia: "Luna and everyone else should be there already."
We shift to another part of the shibuya district, where we see Luna, Natsuki, Rin & Megumi.
Megumi would sigh, as she was dressed as Maki from Jujutsu Kaiden.
Megumi: "My Parents left already."
Satou would be dressed as Heat from Cold's Wacky Adventures, while Aya was dressed as Sindel from Immortal Kombat.
Satou: "let's see if the new Lukewarm Bond Or Re: Associate Volume is in Barnes and Noble please, Darling."
Aya: "anything for you darling."
Satou and Aya would hold hands as they walked off since it was their anniversary date, as well.
As they walked off, Luna would ask Megumi what she thought of her costume.
Luna was dressed up as Tiff Crust from My Life as a Teenage Robot: Forgotten Memories.
Luna: "...What's taking them so long.."
Natsuki: "...I Don't Know."
Natsuki was dressed up as Bayonetta from Bayonetta, then she would sigh.
Rin would walk over, as she whispered something, "Aika and the others are almost here."
Rin however was dressed up as Athena from Alive Break.
Rin: "did we ever tell them that it was a private movie event, that we rented out for just us."
Natsuki: "i think so.."
About 15 Minutes later, they were allowed inside.
Sora and the others arrived to the place that Luna, Natsuki, Rin & Megumi were inside of.
Megumi glared at Sora, hitting him on the head, yelling "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG."
Sora: "..I wasn't lat-..."
Natsuki, Rin, Luna, Moriko, Aika, Hana & Emi all grinned devilishly as they then started beating Sora.
Sora: *coughed* "...fine."
Sora: "someone was selling this new manga series and i needed to read it."
Sora chuckled softly, "i brought it and it has a dvd inside."
Everyone knew it was scam, so they just put the movie inside the movie player.
Sora: "this is what i was waiting for."
Sora would smirk, as he was standing proudly.
Aika: "...really."
Natsuki, Rin, Luna, Moriko, Aika, Hana & Emi would stare at sora, suspiciously.
Sora would sigh as he told them that the name was "Dragon Warriors: The Tales of Fallen"
Hiroyuki would press play on the DVD player and which it was really a H****i to which everyone stared at Sora.
But everyone was still skeptical since it also had horror themes in it as well until there was a s*x scene.
We Fast Forward to the end of the movie which was a black hole and explosion.
Sora: "how was that movie?!"
Everyone else was either uncomfortable or just weirded out by the movie.
They all Faced Sora, and then Sora would get nervous.
Sora would then get chased by his friends and sister.
Meanwhile, we go back to Aya and Satou in enjoying their anniversary date together.
Satou: "hm.., What's this manga?!"
Aya: "it says Demiwars...."
Satou: "seems interesting, wanna get it for sora?"
Aya: "sure but do you want me to get Silver Kamuy for you, honey!?"
Satou: "sure."
Satou and Aya continued walking as they held hands together.
Sora would continue to run, but then tripped.
Sora: "...i think i lost them."
Natsuki, Rin, Luna, Moriko, Aika, Hana & Emi would appear as they then circle around sora, to which Aika would smile before slug her fist into sora's cheek.
Sora would lay there, knocked out but thought "...maybe halloween was a mistake."