Curious encounters

Rosemary's pov:

"You should've never come here," 

After these words, he just stands there, staring at me. Although, I am sure this is my first time ever laying eyes on this man, there's an air of familiarity in him. 

The color of his hair remains a mystery in these circumstances, but the shape of his eyes is what gives me the impression that I know him.

Similarly to Avery and other witches I've met, he dons white robes. Silk, judging by the way the fabric reflects light. The one thing that's even more noteworthy is the absence of a brooch on his chest. 

So, is he going rogue? Was he always free, like Salina? Is he even an actual witch? 

I mean, it's not like everyone who wears all white is a witch… 

"Who are you?" I dare ask, still paralyzed in my spot.