Familiar faces

Nathanael's pov:

"I am sorry, Ambrose" 

Knowing full well that I am not dealing with the Ambrose I once knew and called a friend, these words still find their way out of my mouth. 

"I hope you are, but is that all you can be?" Ambrose steps in my direction.

I stand in place, with no clue as to how to react or proceed. The only things coming to my mind are memories of his last day on earth, his last words to me and the way it ended.

"So, what's the idea?" I move both of my arms in front of my body, resting my hands in my pockets. 

As the shock of having my deceased best friend come back from the dead to confront me slowly wears off, more and more questions emerge. 

Gradually, but surely, my heart starts to recover its regular beating rate. The shivers stop, allowing me to see a little clearer. 

"What game are we playing?" 

"I am not here to play any games with you, believe that or not,"