6: Li family

Mid night Ember wake up from his sleep.

Ember "What all that a dream, I think I really got superpowers. No it was not a dream, even with my eyes closed I can see somewhat more clearly, I should think in my mind least someone hear me"

'Yes I have powers like immortals'

'Wait what is the use of this power I want a power through which I can fly in the sky, So my first priority is to sleep, who knows all this can be a dream'

Early at morning Ember open the door and feel rain drops falling on him because of the sind which was moving faster then normal

'Today is also raining and even more so because of winds there is a possibility of storm, i think work will get postponed again'

Ember close the door and sit on his bedsheet and look at the external changes that has happen on his body.

'My skin has gotten soft and skin color has become lighter from before and i can even run faster with my fast reaction speed i can also run smoother on rough surface'

Suddenly Ember feel someone coming near the door and opening it.

Right after that a person came inside

"I am going to call few name they will be assign another task, whoever name I called they should go meet the manager now. ChunFang, Mùchén, Yúzé and ember"

3 men and 1 lady got up, enber also tag around with them and they arrive out the manager tent

Manager " Today there can be storm hence we cannot go outside the city therefor you 4 will take carriage loaded with wood and take them to the Li family residence "

"From among you Mùchén and ChunFang know how to drive a horse carriage and ember and Yúzé will have to learn from them and if you learn how to drive the horse carriage, for every successful transport of goods wi get 5 silver coins. Horse carriage are ready with loaded goods ember and ChunFang will manage one carriage and other two will manage other one and take this contract paper and map ones you reach on the destination show then this contract and remember do not help them unload the wood because they have enough people I will send 2 guards for both, Mùyáng take them to the carriage "

A guard come to them and tell them to follow and lead the way and one there introduce them to the 4 guards who where on horse back and assign horse carriage to Mùchén and ChunFang.

Mùchén and Yúzé board the horse carriage with Mùchén driving the carriage and go with his two guard.

ChunFang 'I learn to drive horse carriage but I do not know how to locate location on map I should ask ember or this two quards'

"Do you know how to locate locations on map"

"Can I take a look at the map and the contract"

"Here this is map and this is contract"

Ember 'This is first time I look at the map but because I know the every noke and corner of outer storm city leaving the forest area and mountain ranges. According to my memory we are at east gate so we are here and Li family residence is Mark so to go there this is the shortest and most save route with large people and merchant coming and going'

"Sister ChunFang we can take this route this is our location and this marking is Li family residence and we have to move little slow but we can reach quickly because it is a shortcut"

ChunFang " Ok, now sit on the carriage I will teach you how to drive while moving to Li family residence "

ChunFang and Ember with 2 guards started to move on the route after Ember explain the route to the quard, on the route they do not get much traffic and hence Li family residence quickly and Ember was also able to learn how to drive the horse carriage.

After reaching the Li family residence one of the guard unmount his horse and go inside the house, after some time he came with 5 people 4 look like workers and the one who was taking to the guard was dress in good attire.

After the person in came near the carriage Ember hand the contract with the consult of ChunFang and the guards. After reading he give the contract to Ember and tell the other 4 to unload the goods and invited Ember, ChunFang and the 2 guards inside the house to which the guard politely decline.

In quarter hour all the goods where unloaded and that person hand over a pouch to the guard.

Ember and ChunFang sit on the carriage with Ember on the front after the 2 guards mount there horse Ember give a slight pull to the rope to which the horse start to pull the cartiage. In limited time Ember become familiar to driving horse carriage.

After 2 hours they return to the east outer wall and report the manager.

Manager " Good since the goods are delivered her are your 4 copper coins and on the next day you have to deliver 2 more time.

ChunFang " Manager Ember has learn to drive horse carriage and now he can also drive horse carriage in busy roads "

Manager " Since he can also drive then you two will deliver the wood individual and both of you will deliver wood 2 time if you have any problem then you can tell me"

"No mamager" Said Ember and ChunFang

"Now I have one more work for you, you both have to learn how to load the goods in the carriage and tie them so they do not fall, Mùyáng go with them"

Mùyáng tell both to follow him.

During following the guards Ember get a glimpse of Mùchén and Yúzé coming but it was just a fleeting slide after ward he continues to follow Mùyáng.

After reaching there destination Mùyáng tell the workers that they have to teach Ember and ChunFang and left.

At noon finally Ember and ChunFang learn how to load the good in the carriage amd secure it so that it will not fall when the carriage is moving.

While returning to the workers rest house ChunFang ask Ember can he teach her hoe to read maps to which Ember node his head and tell her that he will teach her buring eating.

Both Ember and ChunFang sit on one side eating and Ember and explain how to use map to which ChunFang understand everything and even ask many questions.

Before finishing meal ChunFang learn everything that Ember tell her.

After the meal they both goes to the house assign to the workers and take there blanket unfold it and sleep.