7: Underground Markets

Early morning ChunFang, Mùchén, Yúzé and Ember was ready for another deliver every one was given a single carriage and was ask to load wood themselves with 2 workers assign for help and with 1 guard following each and was also give contract paper and map.

This time the wood have to deliver to Li family residence but Ember has to deliver it to a merchant association which very close and he will only need half an hour to deliver the wood and come back.

ChunFang, Mùchén, Yúzé and Ember start driving the horse carriage at same time, Ember goes in other direction and return after 30 minutes.

Ember say manager standing outside his tent, waiting for someone.

When Ember handed the contract to the manager he smiles at ask

Manager " Ember do you know the route to the underground markets"

Ember think that I it not a big thing to know so he tell the manager" Yes I know every route of this outer storm city leaving mountain ranges and forests. "

"Good, now you have to transport some boxes to the Shadow Union, do you know where it is located in underground market"

"Yes, I know it is one of the top information seller and only a few people can locate its headquarters, but I know how to locate their headquarters they chance their headquarters location every time"

Manager " Good, your horse carriage is ready and 6 trained guards with normal clothes will accompany you with Mùyáng to protect you, and your work is to locate Shadow Union headquarter and only take Mùyáng with you to and let 6 guards stay near the carriage and only ask them to unload the boxes once you reach the headquarters. Mùyáng will lead you to the carriage, Mùyáng lead Ember to the carriage "

After that Mùyáng come with 6 people and ask Ember to follow him to the loaded carriage.

After all 6 guard and Mùyáng sit inside the carriage, Ember drive the horse carriage in straight direction on the east dragon street. After some time when Ember see Wang family Residence at the left side of dragon street he slow down the horse, after Wang family Residence there is two big houses one is a Restaurant and other one is a wine shop both of them belong to Wang family and right after Wnag family wine shop is a small traven. Ember stop the horse carriage near the traven and walk to the traven, Mùyáng also came out of the carriage and follow Ember.

Inside the traven many people were drinking and marking noises, everyone is speaking in loud voices.

The traven consists of 2 floors not counting ground floor and basement. Ember found a empty table with 4 chairs on the 1 floor and sit on one chair with Mùyáng on the front chair. A burly man come to take orders to which ember order 2 rice wine and after taking order in goes to the counter and brink a big cup filled with rice wine.

Mùyáng " Ember why do we have come here"

Ember " To gather information about Shadow Union headquarters "

Mùyáng tasted the wine to which he committed low quality but thinking that it will be expensive he gulp it quietly and was listening to the voices of other people trying to find information about Shadow Union.

Ember ' What is he doing, who will speak loudly about Shadow Union headquarters'

After finishing rice wine Ember tell Mùyáng to follow him to the counter and pay 2 copper cions and order 2 red fruit wine and 2 wheat wine. After the order was ready he ask at the counter " Who is going to win"

To which he got response " Today is white tiger and red ape battle, on who will you bet"

Ember " White tiger"

"Go to the basement"

Ember take one red fruit wine and wheat wine and give other two to Mùyáng and ask him to follow.

Ember lead the way to the ground floor and go to the counter and take sharp right turn and after waking close the the walls Ember stop at a point and know on the wall in a strange manner, after few minutes the wall open inwards. Ember and Mùyáng go through the open wall where they find step leafing downwards.

Ember follow along the steps and Mùyáng follow him tasting red fruit wine which he quite like. After reaching down they find a door with two guards. As if the guards know they will cone they open the door and let Ember and Mùyáng pass through it.

Inside the door there was a totally another world, more then thousand people where there, some surrounding the fighting rings and screaming the name of thoose who where fighting, some simply talking, some sitting around tables and playing cards there was even a counter.

Mùyáng was completely stunt which the slight he was greated ' Fight clubs are bane in Storm city them how come inside a traven basement there are more than one fight club'

Mùyáng " Ember why are we here "

Ember " We will find Shadow Union Headquarters location here not up, let's find the white tiger and red ape and be ready to collect money"

Mùyáng was embarrassed and quitly follow Ember.

Ember " This is one of the small fight club in Storm city and master of white tiger was once my client so we can get some information from him"

Mùyáng " Ember does the counter here has red fruit wine it is good"

Ember " There is but price will be 50 copper coins for one cup so do not purchase it here, one we go up purchase from ground floor or 1 floor counter there you will get 4 red fruit wine cup for 1 copper coin"

Mùyáng follow Ember to a particular fighting ring full of people surrounding it and some how they make way through the crowd of people to the front of the crowd. After Ember walk to a spacious area with many guard surrounding it and within the spacious area there was a young man with a white tiger. One of the guard see Ember coming and was going to notify others but Ember take out something and from the pocket and attract the guard attention to it on seeing that thing the guard relax and let them pass. But becauss Mùyáng was following Ember and since Ember secretly take that thing and hide it again, Mùyáng was not able to see what Ember did and was thinking that the guard let them pass easily.

After going inside the encirclement Mùyáng see a young man with a white tiger and 2 maid serving the young master.