
It's been a week since the incident involving the metal gang and the news of me standing up to them spread like wide fire throughout the entire school , and since then the metal gang never crosses path with me , but l knew Sean will surely come back at me .

Meanwhile on the day of the crash a few weeks ago, in the lunar base owned by the Americans and also shared with other countries like Russian , china and the untied kingdom . In the America space department NASA and the military

" Sir we have detected an incoming unidentified object heading for the Earth's atmosphere " a man in a scientist robe shouts out

Numerous scientists are sitted in front of a big screen as each scientist was sitted on their own desk and had computers on them and other advanced technologically items , while a man stood on a large podium at the back as he folded his arms and the watched the big screen in front of him

" Sir the unknown object has just passed mars and it's heading for earth at an enormous speed". Another scientist with glasses informs

" Connect to every single satellite in the vicinity immediately and activate all space scanners to scan the temperature , material and energy radiation" the man standing on the podium orders and every scientist began to press the computers in front of them while some operated on screens that appeared in front them

" Sir the object has entered a range of 200 kilometers close to the moon" a scientist informs and then everyone began to look at the images appearing before them

" Sir do you think this an alien lifeform heading here " a scientist looks at man and asks but just then another scientist exclaims

" Wait that is no alien lifeform , it's a crystal". Upon hearing this everyone gets suprised "Oh my goodness , sir you need to see this , the crystal is emitting a large amount of energy which is covering a range of 5000 kilometers" a scientist shouts in utter disbelief , the man standing on the floating podium becomes shocked and immediately goes to take look at the scientist digital screen.

Upon seeing the readings on the screen the man couldn't believe his eyes such an unknown object was radiating a large amount of energy which was never seen before .

Even the scientists did not know what to say about the situation while the man who the whole scientist in the room refered to as sir , he had a black short hair and a mustache , he was also muscular and was about 2.5 feet tall , he had deep blue eyes .

he wore a space commander uniform which indicates that he was a space commander in the intergalactic military which was established in the 23rd century , he also wore a green coat and on his uniform were five stars indicating his rank

" This is a one in a million discovery of the human age , such monstrosity amount of energy , if harnessed we could have unlimited energy and our country could become the number one in the world" the man exclaims

"But commander Gordon we aren't only the ones to know about it the other department might already have their eyes on it " a scientist with long brown hair and brown pupils speaks

Then Commander Gordon thinks for a moment

Such a precious object , suddenly heading for earth and having an enormous as amount of energy , we aren't only the ones that have our eyes on it , but we can't let the other countries get their hands on such a good treasure

" Immediately send the starship and the xFalcon spaces to intercept the mysterious crystal now" commander Gordon commands and immediately a scientist sends the message to the spaceship base

On the lunar base multiple large domes open as different spaceships belonging to different countries comes out and they all dased into space immediately

"Sir starship and xFalcon are already on their way to intercept the mysterious crystal but other countries are trying to get their hands on it too" a space solider reports

" Damn this bastards trying to complete with the US for the crystal , it's so bad we can't attack , if not l would have order their ships to be shot down " commander Gordon grunts

Meanwhile on the starship

" Sergeant will have received the signal from the incoming crystal , but we have a problem other countries spaceships are trying to get it too , please advise" the controller informs

" Forgot those bastards , incite capture protocol now " a man sitted on a levitating seat in the middle of the control room commanders , he had three stars on his uniform

All spaceships and the America starship and xFalcon released numerous mechs and space shuttle captures to capture the incoming crystal .

" Commerce capture now" the man orders immediately and all mechs and space captures rush towards the incoming crystal but something unexpected happens

The crystal upon approaching the incoming mechs and space shuttle captures they send electron bombs to knock the crystal off it's course


They is large explosion in space as the electron bomb fired at it was much due to many countries trying to get their hands on it .

The explosion disperse but then something was off as the crystal became still and then it began go generate lighting around itself , on a British spaceship called imperial star

" What in the bloody hell is that" the sergeant exclaims in disbelief

On the starship

" Sir something is not right , we are receiving some sort of unknown electromagnetic waves" a space solider informs the entire crew

" What in the world is this am seeing right now " the sergeant becomes shocked at the enormous amount of lighting extending to a wide range of area , meanwhile on the lunar base each country department gets shocked at the sight on their large screens.

" Whoosh"

The crystal releases the lightings towards the mechs , space shuttle captures and the spaceships , the lighting moves with light speed and destroying every single mech and space shuttle captures in the area

"Boom , Boom " numerous explosion are heard

" Sir we need to leave now the crystal is attacking we need to ??" Before anybody could react the lighting strikes all the spaceships in sight and destroys them in an instant

On the lunar base the different countries department become dumbfounded at the destruction of their spaceships.