Sword cultivation

Three weeks had already passed and now l was trying to breakthrough into the eight stage of spirit refining realm.

Robert Sat crossed legged on his bed as he absorbed spiritual QI from the dou chi element crystal , and with the help of spirit stones , soon he begins to sweat profusely , then his veins began to twitch .

Then he began to feel a burning sensation in his body it felt like my whole body was about to explode then suddenly a bright white emits from his body and the light becomes more brighter and then his entire room becomes engulfed in the light .

Soon the light dissipates and Robert immediately opens his eyes as steam emits from his body .

" Finally, l have broken through to the eight stage of the spirit refining realm " Robert says with satisfaction as he takes a breath then Lin zhong appears out of thin air

" Well done Robert , you have finally broken through into the eight stage of the spirit refining realm , so congratulations on your breakthrough " Lin zhong congrats him

" It's all thanks to your guidance, master

I was able to have a breakthrough" Robert says respectfully

" Well l think it's high time you choose your cultivation attribute " Lin zhong informs him

" Master, please what do mean by cultivation attribute " Robert asks with curiosity then Lin zhong begins to explain

" Well you see , in the cultivation world they different types of cultivators with different cultivation attributes , we have

1.sword cultivator

2. Martial art cultivator

3. Six arts cultivator

4. Saber cultivatior

5. Magic cultivator

6. Element cultivator

7. Taoist cultivator

8. Buddhist cultivator

Every cultivator are born with different cultivation attributes and different innate bodies "

" master please what are innate bodies if l may ask " Robert asks

" Well good question , an innate body is type of body physique granted to cultivators they are different types of innate bodies but they too much to mention , l will just leave you with this the crystal gave you the yin and yang holy body " Lin zhong tells him as Robert looked confused at the mention of innate body

" What's about the yin and yang holy body " Robert immediately asks

" Well with time you will know , let's leave it for now , well you should already know you by now that you are a martial arts cultivator and an element cultivator at the same time , but the crystal needs you to have one more cultivation attribute.

That will be a step closer to be qualified to transverse into the cultivation world , so l ask what do you choose" Lin zhong looks at Robert who thinks for a moment .

Well from l want l remember , a saber cultivatior is quite good and their attacks are swift but have a bad target hit , while six arts cultivator is too complex and their attacks are not so strong but can arrange complex arrays , while Buddhism cultivator they is no way am becoming a monk and getting my hair shaved no way.

Magic cultivators are really good at magic attacks but magic is mostly used for long range attack , in close combat it's a death sentence .

Well guess the most strongest and a little bit hard to learn is the sword cultivation but a sword attack from a sword cultivator are swift , and deadly and they numerous destructive and terrifying skills .

" I guess l would have to choose sword cultivation " Robert says as his lips curves into a smirk

" Well they is a condition " Lin zhong speaks

" What condition ? Robert asks feeling suprised

" For the safety of your family and to protect them from harm the crystal as instructed me to wipe their memories of them about knowing all this " Lin zhong tells and Robert was suprised

" Why , can't they just know , why wipe away their memories " Robert asks feeling confused

" If people of Your world get to know about your power they would surely come for it and your parents will mostly be their target , if you parents and brothers knew such information it will only harm them , so please think carefully " Lin zhong explains to him

After Robert ponders for a moment

" Okay l accept , their safety comes first " Robert agrees

" Well done , putting your family first is a good thing , now l shall bestow the knowledge of sword cultivation unto thee" Lin zhong moves towards Robert places hand on his head .

Then he began to bestow the knowledge of sword cultivation unto Robert , Robert was bit uncomfortable because much information was flowing in his brain right , he see all different types of techniques in becoming a sword cultivator , in his head .

After that Lin zhong was done and Robert was panting.

" It's a great thing you could withstand the stress from the bestowment , well two days from now you start training your skills in becoming a sword cultivator " Lin zhong informs ,

Soon night comes quickly as Robert lay asleep on his bed been exhausted from the bestowment .