🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨ Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


For days Luca and Noah never talk and this bothers Kayden so much so he call them again and stood them down then he talked to them again.

"Common you both, don't let a small thing spoil your friendship please" he shouted.

"Tell him to change his ways and stop hurting people around" Luca said.

"Who is there when I am hurting also, no one was there, did you know what have been through also, you don't know so stop judging me" Noah fired back.

"That doesn't mean you should keep on hurting others, they are not the one that hurt you, just let go of your past" Luca shouted and Noah wanted to talk when Kayden shouted.

"Stop you two" he shouted and both of them stop.

He made them understand why they need to stop fighting and talk to Noah about his past letting him know that hurting others won't erase his pain.

After he said this, Noah and Luca hug each other and they reconcile but that does not stop Noah from hurting other students.

After they have settled they all went to the lecture room and sit together the way they use to sit before.

Lily was sitting with her minions and was staring at Noah but he never for once look at her and this makes her sad.

She wish he could just give her attention.

After the lectures Noah got to his hostel and he think of what Kayden said and also of his past and he began crying.

Thinking of everything he decided to stop hurting people but he promise himself not let what happened to him in the past happen to him anymore.


Isabella and Michelle began reading hard for the scholarship exam, for them to be able to concentrate they took few weeks off from their working place.

After their tutorial everyday they get back home and began studying what they've learnt at the tutorial.

They study so hard everyday for 7hours without eating.

Michelle got tired of studying at some points and Isabella was the only one reading without stopping.


Noah, Kayden and Luca went for lecture together.

Few minutes after they got to class the lecturer came in and he began lecture.

Few hours after he finish and decided to ask some questions base on what he has thought them.

"Who can tell me the meaning of ethics?" He asked but no one answered so he decided to call someone on his own.

He called Katrina, one of Lily's minions to say the meaning but she stood up and couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, the class began laughing at her and Lily glared at them and they all stopped laughing.

Noah raised his hand up to answer the question and the lecture gave him a go ahead to do so.

"Ethics can be said to be societal rules and norms or an organization way of doing things. Ethics is based on pricinciples, for example, punctuality is an ethics in an organization, loyalty is also part and many more others" he said and the lecturer was impressed.

"Great, you got it right" he said and the class began clapping.

"I will advise you all to focus on your academics, read and don't let your effort be wasted, goodbye for the day" he said and left.

As he left all students also leave the hall and went to their hostels.

Lily decided to approach Noah and Luca on seeing her decided to tease Noah.

"Your girlfriend is coming to you" he said and began laughing and Noah glared at him.

Lily got to him and decided to brace up.

He glared at her but she ignored it and move towards him.

She held his hand and looked into his eyes.

"Noah, why are you treating me like this, I really do love you, please consider me" she said.

"Take your hands off me" he said coldly and she took her hands off him.

"How did you expect to fall for a worm body like yours, it seems you don't look yourself in the mirror, you are just so shapeless" he said and this hurt Lily so much and she ran out leaving her minions.

Kayden and Luca could not help but laugh.

"Never knew you got such a bad mouth" Kayden said.

"I just have to put her in her place, she is too obsessed about me" he said and they all walk out.

Lily got to her hostel and began breaking things in anger.

"How could he call me that,telling me am shapeless, it hurt so much but I don't know why my stupid heart can't stop beating for him" she said angrily and continue breaking things"

Becky and Katrina later got to her room and seeing what she has cause they stop her and began consoling her before she slept off.

They felt pity for her,after she has slept they both left to their hostels also.


It was just three days more to the exam and Isabella study like never before and was determined to pass the exam.

Michelle went to where she was reading and drag her up.

"Stop reading for now, you have done enough, with this you have done, I know you will surely pass" she said and Isabella reluctantly leave her book and went to eat.

After they finish eating they watch some movies and went to sleep.


What do you think of Noah's attitude to Lily?

Kayden is really a great friend and i love that.

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