🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨ Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Noah got home and as the maids saw him they began bowing for him but he ignored them and went into the house angrily.

He got into the house and met his father in the living room.

"Good afternoon father" he said and wanted to go to his room when his father called him back and asked him why he is looking angry.

"I am okay dad" he said to him

"Just don't fight with anyone, keep calm" his father said to him and he nodded.

He went up and took his bath then he ate dinner and went to sleep.

Lily woke up later in the night and remember what Noah said to her and became sad again but she later shrug off the thought.

"I will have you to myself no matter what" she said and ate dinner then she sleep again.


The next day, Isabella and Michelle woke up and they decided not to go for tutorial that day so they stay at home and study well for the exam which is to come the next day.

Seeing that they have read enough for that day Michelle stop and she made Isabella stop also but she was being stubborn and did not stop.

Michelle left her alone and began playing some games on her small phone.

Later in the evening, they both decided to go for shopping with the little money they have so as to prepare themselves for tomorrow.

They got into the shopping mall and began picking some few things they will be needing.

Meanwhile Lily and her minions were also there buying somethings.

Michelle and Isabella finish picking somethings in one section and they decided to move to the next section to get some other things when they bump into Lily and her minions.

This angered Lily and she spoke up.

"Can't you see where you are going, are you blind?"

"We are sorry" Isabella said and wanted to walk past them when Lily held her back.

"You can't just use your poverty stinking body to touch me and leave like that, did you know how much this cloth cost, even your generation can't buy it" she said and Michelle couldn't take it anymore so she spoke up.

"What the hell is wrong with you, we bump into you and we have apologize so why the stupid insult, just because you are rich doesn't mean you can talk to people anyhow you like, did you check yourself in the mirror and see how you look your self, you are such a rude brat" Michelle said and made to walk past them when Lily raised her hand to slap her but she held it.

She twisted her hand and Lily yell in pain.

Becky and Katrina made to go to her but they received a blinding slap which sent them back.

"Just because we are poor doesn't mean we are weak, learn to give respect to everyone" she said and leave Lily and her minions in pain there.

Isabella also followed her and they both buy some other things they need and they went back home.

"You see, you need to be standing up for yourself, this your timidity won't help you, what if I am not there with you, they will just beat you" she said to Isabella.

"I am not like you, I just don't like trouble that is why I simply apologize and wanted to leave"

"Try to stand up for yourself one day, it is not everything you will be so gentle about, there are somethings which only violence can solve so try to learn from me,be bold and courageous and stop being timid" she saidand Isabella nodded.

They arrange the things they bought and they prepare something to eat and sleep.

The next day, they woke up and they took their bath and wore a nice cloth then they took a cab to Rosewood College.

They got there and were astonished by the building and Isabella felt so happy getting into the school.

They got in and they were directed to where the exam is taking place.

They got in ad met some other students seated from the exam so they also find place to sit.

Within some minutes the exam commence and they both make sure they did their best.

Few minutes after, they all finish and they were told to put down their numbers that the results will be sent to them in two days time.

They did so and they all were back to their respective homes.

Isabella and Michelle were so sure they will pass the exam because they read so hard for the exam.

After they got home they change their clothes and went to their workplace awaiting their results.

Lily also got home (not her hostel this time around) fuming in anger and the maids wondered who always made her angry.

They began staring at her but when they saw she almost caught them they quickly averted their eyes from her.

She got up to her room and ordered a maid to bring her juice.

The maid quickly went to do what she was asked to do and as she got to her room she wanted to place it down when hand slip mistakenly and the juice poured all over Lily's body.

She immediately slap the maid.

"How dare you"

"I am sorry young boss,it wasn't intentional" the maid said.

"You are fired, now pack all your things and leave this house now" she said and the maid went out crying then she left in a sad mood.

The other maids who saw her knew Lily is at it again, they always pray never to be called whenever she is angry so as not to be fired.

Noah and his friends decided to go out so they went to a restaurant and they ordered for food.

Isabella bought their order to them and as she put it down she began staring at Noah.

"How could a guy be this handsome" she said in her mind.

"What the hell are you staring at,just leave this place" Noah said rudely and Isabella felt sad.

"So he is this rude, his handsomeness is just for a waste" she said and left.

Noah and his friends began eating and after they finish eating they went to some other places and then they went back home after that.


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