🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨ Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏

CHAPTER 3️⃣6️⃣

A car suddenly drove into the school compound and a girl suddenly came out of the car looking around.

"I am back" she said and her face was shown and it turned out to be Lily.

The students who saw were shocked that she was alive.

She walked majestically into the school looking around.

She went to Bella's class and she entered without caring about the lecturer inside.

Everyone who saw her were surprised including the lecturer.

She went towards Bella then bent to her ear and whispered to her.

"I guess you must be shocked to see me back" she said and Bella remain silent.

Seeing that she is silent she smile and went to an empty seat then she sat down there.

The lecturer continue with his lecture and after some hours they are done with lectures and they went out of the lecture room. As they got out Bella keep on being surprised about how Lily survived.

Becky and Katrina sighed Lily and they were surprised.

They ran to her out of excitement and they both hugged her but she push them away and they wondered why she did that.

"Who are you girls to just jump on me that way?" She said rudely.

"Lily, we are your friends, Becky and Katrina" Becky said.

"I never attend this school for once not to talk of friends" she said.

Noah and the rest also saw her and they were surprised that Lily is not dead.

"How did she survive, we saw her dead body so how is it possible?" Luca said.

"Well this is still a mystery to everyone" Noah said.

"I think this is another trouble for the students" Lisa said.

"I think so, but she is acting weird"

"Well, let's forget about her" Bella said and they all saying some other things.

Well I think you are all confused how Lily survived.

Lily is dead but she has a twin sister who look a lot like her.

Her name is Lilian, she is based abroad and never stay in California.

She has just finish schooling so she came back home and she decided to visit her twin sister's school when she heard that she is dead.

She decided to scare the students a little by acting like Lily and she got them really bad.


Noah and the others left for home later.

Becky and Katrina were sad the way Lilian treated them, they thought she is Lily.


Lilian started attending the school and dressing like a normal student just to get revenge on Bella because her father told her that it is Bella that killed her sister and since then she vow to revenge.

"Relax, I have the perfect plan to kill her, let's just stay low for now, all you have to do for me now is to start attending that school and make Bella trust you, become friends with her and from there we will take her down" her father said to her.

With what her father said to her she felt that for her to win Bella's trust the students have to know her real identity.

She gathered the students after lecture and told them her real identity.

Many did not believe her but she did her best to make them believe her.

After she made them know they now know she is not Lily.

Becky and Katrina now understand why she push them when they hug her.


Since Lilian tell them her real identity she tried to get close to Bella but Bella keep pushing her away.

She did not stop she still keep on doing and with time she and Bella began talking and also she began talking to Lisa and Michelle also.


Richard heard of Lilian and about her plan with her father.

He knew what they were up to and he tried to find a way to stop it but there is no way.

He went to Bella's school and tried to warn her about Lilian but she shrugged it off thinking that how did he know Lilian for him to be warning her about her.

Richard seeing that Bella did not listen to him he let her be but he began doing some other things to save her.


Noah seeing the way Bella is getting close to Lilian warn her also but she never listen.

"I don't think Lillian is like her sister, she is a good person and nice. She means no harm so be rest assured" she said to him.

" Darling, Lilian is pretending and I can see that, who would want to make friends with her sister's enemy"

"Well Lilian knew her sister was also not a good person so she is not in support also"

"Okay if you say so" Noah said and they both hug each other.

Noah knew Lilian was up to something so he do everything to protect Bella from her.


It is been a year now and it is a week to their final exam in college.

Bella and Lilian has been so close and they do things together with Michelle and Katrina.

Noah watching Lilian for a year and seeing that she doesn't mean any harm became rest assured and even make friends with her also.


Lily's dad seeing that it is a week to their exam conclude that it is time to execute his plan.

He took his phone and place a call to someone and the person pick up.

"Get ready now, it is time to execute the plan, we will have to carry out our plan on the day of their final exam" he said to the person and he nodded.


It is a week to their final exam and they were all preparing well for this exam.

They read like never before without stopping, especially Bella.


It is finally the day for their exam and they entered into the exam hall.

After a while the invigilators came and gave them their papers and they began.

Few hours later they were all done and they went home to prepare for the next one.

This is how they do till the exam finish.

It was finally the day for their final paper.

They were all excited that they will be out of college in few days.

They all entered the exam hall as usual and they began their exam.

Lilian was in the school compound with some dangerous guys keeping watch on Bella.


After some hours they were all done and they came out of the exam hall jubilating that they are finally a graduate.

During this jubilation Noah climb the school podium and he shouted to get the students attention and they all kept quiet to listen to what he has to say.

"Hi guys, I am really excited to be a graduate and I know we are all excited also, I want to use this medium to advise the others who are still in school to face their studies well and not let anything distract them for their studies or jeopardize their education, please you all should work very hard to make sure you come out with a very good grades when you graduate, I hope this helps you all" he said.

"Now I have another thing to do, I would like Isabella Carter to please come to the podium" he said and Bella stood up and went to the podium.

"Guys I will let you know that Bella here is my girlfriend, the love of my life and the one I choose to spend the rest of my life with" he said and they were not surprised because they knew already.

"Bella, I love you so much, you complete me and I am nothing without you, will you do me the favor of becoming my wife, please marry me" he said on one kneel with a ring in his hand.

Everyone were shocked including Bella, she never expected this.

She stood there shocked for a while before she finally spoke up.

"Yes,I will marry you" she said excited and Noah instead the ring into her finger then they both kissed deeply and after a while they broke the kiss.

Everyone clapped for them and were so happy.

They both left the podium after that and they went to their friends.

"Man, you really surprise us, never knew you will do this" Lucas said when Noah get to them.

"I just think I should do it now just to secure my woman because i don't want to loose her"

"Great idea, I am happy for you" Kayden said and they all hug each other.

"Wow I am so happy for you" Lisa said when Bella get to them.

"I am really happy also" she said showing them the ring and they stare at it.

"Wow my friend is now engaged" Michelle said.

"Don't worry, Luca will do the same soon"

"We have to celebrate this" Lisa said and they all agreed to it.

Lilian and the guys were somewhere around watching all that is happening and they are waiting for the right time to carry out their plan.

Suddenly Bella left there to do something and they follow her.

She was on her way coming back when they came to her front and asked she saw them she became afraid and wanted to run when they caught her and they sedate her and took her into Lilian's car and they drove out of the school.


Wow I am happy for Bella and Noah.

It feels sad that Bella has been kidnapped again.

What did you think will happen next.

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