🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏

Sorry it came late.

CHAPTER 3️⃣7️⃣

The others were waiting for Bella but she did not come back.

Seeing that she is taking too long to come back Noah became worried and went to check on her at the restroom but he could not find her.

He check everywhere but still could not find her and this made him panic that something bad has happened to her.

He left the restroom and was going back when he saw her bangles on the floor and he picked it up.

This made him know that Bella has been kidnapped again.

He became angry and walk to the party and went to the guards angrily.

"How dare you fools leave my girlfriend alone?"

"We are sorry sir, she said we should not follow her that she will be fine and since she is like our boss also we obey her" one of the guards spoke up.

"If something bad happen to her or she get hurt I will make sure I kill you all" he yelled and the students stop all they are doing and face him.

"What is wrong Noah?" Luca and Kayden asked at the same time

"She has been kidnapped again" he said sadly and as he say this he began crying.

"Why is life so unfair, she is always suffering because of me, this won't happen if she didn't meet me" he said.

"Don't say that, we will make sure we find her and bring her back safe" Luca assured him.

They all left the party and went to their homes sadly.

Noah got home and was in tears.

His parents saw him and wondered why he is in so much tears.

"What is wrong son?" His mother said rushing to him.

"Bella has been kidnapped again" he said and went up to his room.

"How was she kidnapped, I thought the guards were around her" his father said to himself then he stood up and went to meet the guards.

"You incompetent fools, what were you watching that Bella was kidnapped?" He asked angrily and they told him all that happened.

"You are both fired" he said to the guards and went in angrily.



Bella was seen tied to chair still unconscious.

She suddenly open her eyes then raised her head then she wanted to stand up but realize she could not do so.

She then remembered all that happened and then reality struck her that she has been kidnapped.

She look around her environment and saw that she was in a warehouse.

She screamed for help but no one came.

Just then a guy appeared and immediately he saw her awake he went back and he came back later with a lady and they both walk towards Bella.

She look up and saw that it is Lilian and she became shocked.

"Lilian" she said.

"Thank God you know, next time don't trust people too much"

"So all these while you have been pretending?" She asked

"Do you really think I will become your friend after killing my sister?" She said angrily.

"Your sister deserves it that is why she died, she has been making attempt to kill me but could not and I think God fight for me that is why she died, I have been warned by Noah not to trust you but I paid deaf ears, see where that had landed me now" she said boldly and Lilian became angry and slap her.

"You will pay dearly for killing my sister"

"Well we will see about that" Bella said.

Lilian took her phone and call her Dad.

"Dad she is awake now" she said to him.

"Good, I will be there now" he said and the call was cut off.


Lily's Dad quickly stop what he is doing and he went out if his office.

Richard also came out of his office and followed him.

After some hours of driving they got to the hideout and they both entered with Richard at the back.

They got in and they were taken to where Bella was tied.

"Wow see who we have here,if not the murderer" he said.

"I am not a murderer and who are you?" She asked.

"Well I am your worst nightmare, you shall pay for killing my daughter" he said coldly.

Richard was surprised that Bella was kidnapped and he became scared for her knowing what will be done to her.

He began thinking of a way to save her but none came to his mind.

"I am the one who killed your daughter, just let me go" Bella shouted.

"How dare you shout at me" he said and walk up to her and gave her a strong slap.

Her mouth began bleeding.

Lily's father and Richard left there angrily after he ordered the guys to beat her.

Richard decided to record all that happened there so as to keep it as an evidence.

The guards walk up to Bella and they took a whip and they began beating her.

She began screaming in pain but they paid deaf ears to her.


Noah's dad call some people and told them to help them find her and they all began working on it.

He was at home waiting for response from them.

Noah was in his room crying bitterly,he called Bella's number but it was not gong through and he later drop his phone.

Lisa and Michelle were both worried at home also.

They keep on trying Bella's number also but all to no avail.

Luca and Kayden decided to go and check on Noah and as they got to his place they met his father in the living room and they greeted him and he responded.

"Please sir, where is Noah?" They asked.

"He has been in his room since he got back" he said and they both rush up to Noah's room.

They knocked on the door but got no response and they decided to break down the door and as they did this they entered and saw him crying bitterly while staring at Bella's picture.

They went to him and calm him down.

"Noah, I know how you feel,Bella will be found out your mind at rest"

"Why is this happening for the first time I decided to give love a chance, I guess we both are not meant to be" he said.

"Don't talk that way, this is just a trial and you both shall overcome it" Kayden said and they both look at Noah.

Noah has been totally whipped.

"I wish to see her, I am just useless, I can't protect the one I love and yet I said I love her,I will make sure Lillian pay for this" he said.

Kayden took Noah's phone and decided to try Bella's number and as he call it rang and someone pick it up.

"Hello" he said but got no response.

The call was suddenly cut.

"What happened?" Luca and Noah asked.

"The call was picked but no one talk" he said.

"Shit, I will not forgive myself if anything bad happen to Bella.

"Relax, nothing bad will happen to her" they both assured him.

He then stood up and went to the living room.

"Dad, I have been able call Bella, please help me track her number to get her location" he said and his father quickly call someone then he send Bella's number to him and told him to track the number.



Bella was still tied, she was so weak that she could barely talk.

She was given food but she refused to eat.

Lily's father entered with Lilian.

"See what you have caused for yourself, instead of you to just leave Noah alone but you stick to him and even kill my daughter" Lily's dad said.

Bella was just staring at them.


Noah's father was in his office when the guy called him and told him he has gotten the location and immediately he asked him to send it.

Few minutes later the location was sent to him and he called Noah immediately.

Noah became happy on hearing this and he called Luca and Kay den and they both rush to his place with Michelle and Lisa.

They all went into his car and drove to his father's company.

They got there and saw him waiting for them.

He quickly joined them in the car and they drove to the location.


Some guys came to the warehouse with a briefcase and they opened the briefcase and brought out a bomb suit from it.

Lily's father instruct them to put it on Bella and they did so.

Bella seeing the bomb suit on her became so afraid.

"Is this how I am going to die" she said really.

Richard also was watching all these and he became afraid that Lily's father could go to this extent to kill her.

After the bomb seas activated they all left the hideout and close the door on Bella.

"Please don't leave me,Noah please save me, I don't want to die" she screamed in pain.


After some hours Noah and others got to the warehouse and as they got down and was about entering they heard a bomb blast and this threw them off.

They all got up and they saw the ware house burnt down and they became afraid that Bella is dead.

Noah fell down immediately and began crying bitterly.


What do you think of Lily's father.

Did you think Bella really died?

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