Chapter 35: Inori Yuzuhira

[3, 2, 1]

[The Champion has been successfully summoned.]

Opening his eyes, Yuki was surprised; he had been summoned.

This was like a dream, traveling between worlds, adventure, and dreams.

Although he was surprised, there were more important things to address.

Looking down, there was a girl falling, and he was falling too.

Looking at the falling girl, Yuki smiled.

Drawing his body close, he caught her in his arms.

Slowly, the girl opened her eyes and looked at Yuki.

"At last, we meet, Inori Yuzuhira."

Staring directly at the girl in his arms, Yuki was slightly surprised. She was a very beautiful woman—slim body, hair, eyes, lips, a beautiful face.

She emitted a vibe of being reserved, but at the same time, a wild gleam could be seen.

"Yuki... Uchiha," murmured softly, Inori looked into Yuki's eyes. She saw two eyes different from each other; one was crimson, and the other was golden. Each eye had a different sensation—the crimson one made her feel like he was seeing through her.

Her body twitched a bit; being looked at by that eye was like being naked. Her face warmed a bit because of this.

However, the golden eye was like a beast staring at her—a monster with sharp teeth and an open mouth ready to devour her.

Inori felt confused.

His presence made her feel very cautious, but there was also a warm aura surrounding him, as if the world welcomed him.

"Funell," as if remembering something crucial, Inori turned her gaze; there was a small robot falling with them.

"Hm?" Turning his gaze, Yuki saw the robot.

"Don't worry, I've got it."

With a thought, a white hand emerged from the darkness and caught the robot.

Inori's eyes widened; this was the first time she had seen something so supernatural.

She had read their messages and knew that no member in the chat room was normal, especially the Champion, but she was still surprised.

Landing softly, Yuki fell into the water. He could fly, but he decided he needed more information about the world.

So, Yuki decided to leave this place first.

"Shall we go?"

Asking with a smile under his mask, Yuki waited for Inori's confirmation.

However, Inori had a blank look; she looked directly down.

It was supposed to be a direct fall into the water, but now they were walking above it.

Noticing her confusion, Yuki confirmed that there were no supernatural beings in this world. Still, he remained cautious.

His gaze ran over Inori's body until he saw the blood still flowing from her arm.

Frowning slightly, Yuki continued.

"It's best if we find shelter."

This time, Inori nodded.


They looked towards the bridge, and several Endlaves started to arrive.

With a thought, their bodies were swallowed by the darkness.


Ten years ago, a highly deadly virus spread across Japan, plunging it into chaos and misery.

The Lost Christmas, this was the name given to this event.

After the tragedy, an international organization called GHQ intervened and restored peace to Japan. However, it came at a cost—Japan lost its independence.

For a full ten years, this organization dedicated itself to studying the virus, which crystallized cancerously in its victims.

The symptoms were well known—madness, sadism, and the most severe, crystallization of the human body.

This virus was very deadly, and until then, there was no vaccine that could cure it.

Because of this, the virus was called 'Apocalypse.' The millions of lives claimed by this virus allowed many to experience terror.

After years of study, a vaccine was created. However, this vaccine could only counteract the medium level of infection, leaving the most severe cases defenseless.

(A virus, huh?)

Sighing internally, Yuki looked at Inori.

He had decided to use Rasiel, obtaining basic information about this world.

"Let me heal you."


Approaching Inori, Yuki looked at the wound on her arm. It was just a graze, but she had been hit by a bullet.

Yuki knew this very well; he had been injured a lot in the past.

"Don't worry; I'm a doctor." Inori's body was trembling, and Yuki just smiled ironically.

"It's okay; I'm human too."

Removing the Anbu mask, Yuki smiled at the trembling Inori.

Her body stopped, and their eyes met.

Inori's crimson eyes roamed Yuki's face for a moment.

She couldn't help but release an internal sigh; she was a little afraid of Yuki.


Nodding slightly with an expressionless face, Inori decided to entrust her body to him. After all, there was no harm.

Inori wore a red flower suit with red wings. Yuki had to admit that her suit showed a lot of skin; he could easily see her porcelain-white skin.

He had to admit that his desire was triggered; Inori, with her suit and her slim figure, activated his desire to devour her. However, after learning under Tsunade's guidance for a while, he knew how to control his desire.

"Let me see."

Taking Inori's arm, a green light began to cover Yuki's hands.

Inori could feel a slight tingling on her body. She looked at her arm, and the wound was closing. A little surprised, she looked at Yuki, who now had a slightly furrowed brow.

To Yuki, this wasn't good. He was healing Inori, but there was something preventing him from finishing the job. Looking with the Sharingan, he could see Inori's body composed of thousands of crystals; she was infected with the virus. However, at the same time, her DNA was in perfect harmony with the virus.

His chakra was being devoured by those crystals, and upon noticing it, he couldn't help but furrow his brow.

"Is something wrong?" Inori asked with an expressionless face, tilting her head slightly.

"No, nothing to worry about."

Shaking his head, Yuki stopped and took out some bandages from his backpack. He started wrapping them around Inori's arm. He had healed most of the wound, but those crystals wouldn't let him finish his work.

With a skillful hand movement, Yuki finished his treatment.

"It's ready... Now, let's check the others."

"Hm?" a little confused, Inori looked at Yuki's finger, pointing to her abdomen.

There was another small bullet graze on her abdomen.

Blushing slightly, Inori shrank her body and looked at Yuki's face, which only had a warm look.

She hesitated a lot; she was a bit reluctant to let him examine her, but eventually, she sighed.

With small movements, she started undressing.

Yuki wanted to stop her at first; she didn't need to undress for him to heal her. However, he stopped after seeing her body; it was a beautiful body.

Her porcelain-white skin from the middle of her body was revealed, and for a moment, the small bumps on the front were revealed.

(They're pink!)

Inori quickly covered her breasts; she frowned

a bit upon noticing Yuki's gaze, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she just turned her gaze, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Yuki smiled.

"That's fine, Inori... now just relax."

Placing his hands on her abdomen, the green light covered his hands.

"Hmm~" Inori couldn't help but let out a small moan; it felt very warm, and the skin-to-skin contact made her tingle.

Taking out another pair of bandages, Yuki wrapped her abdomen.

With a swift motion, Yuki finished his treatment; he didn't want to startle Inori if he took any longer. They had just met, and there was still some distrust between them, so he couldn't make bold moves.

He thought that with time, he would gain her trust. No, he would make sure to gain her trust.

On the other hand, if it were Tsunade, Shizune, or Kurenai who were injured, he would make sure to run his hands over their bodies and touch here and there.

He was sure they wouldn't get angry about it; after years of knowing each other, the trust between them was significant.


"Thank you." With a small nod, Inori replied, her gaze lost, momentarily speechless.

"It's okay; no need to thank me."

Shaking his head, Yuki looked at the expressionless girl.

"Now that I'm here, I'll make sure to help you with all my power."

Inori's eyes widened at these words; a small glint passed through her eyes before she lowered her head.

"Thank you."

Feeling a gentle pat on her head, she raised her gaze, encountering Yuki's smile.

"You're welcome."


TN : Inori is cutie