Chapter 36: Apocalypse Virus

This was a long night.

Leaning against a wall, Yuki watched Inori playing with her small robot. Fortunately, they had found this abandoned place, perfect for resting.

Being in a completely different world brought some confusion to Yuki. Living in the Shinobi world for over 12 years and being summoned to a technologically superior world was no laughing matter. Besides, something had been bothering him.

He was losing chakra with every passing minute. This displeased him; chakra was the source of his power, and losing it would render him merely a physically superior human.

*Cough, cough.

Covering his mouth with his hand, Yuki felt strange; there was something different about him. Looking at the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but open his eyes.


Although he knew that this world had been plagued by a virus, he didn't believe he was already infected. Even when healing Inori, he took care not to touch her blood, and although they had physical contact, it was cautious.

(Wait... Blood?)

Now that he remembered, he had contact with it when he was summoned.

Frowning, he decided to inspect his body with the Sharingan.

(This... Is it?!)

And he didn't like the result. He had been infected; Yuki underestimated the potency of a virus.

(Too fast!)

Looking around, he also saw millions of crystals floating in the air.

(It's in the air!)

Yuki's gaze changed, standing up abruptly. He couldn't help but worry.

Inori, who was with Funell, looked at him with concern. "Is something wrong?"

Yuki didn't respond; he was watching how the virus was mutating in his body. He was physically superior to any normal human, so why was the virus affecting him?

It seemed the virus was mutating due to his chakra, becoming stronger and changing at a terrifying pace.


*Tick Tock

Without hesitation, Yuki called upon his angel. His body was covered in darkness, transforming his Anbu attire into his astral outfit.

Inori was surprised again; a huge golden clock manifested, and his black clothes now had red patterns. He held an ancient weapon in his hand.

"Dalet." Pointing it to his head, Yuki didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.


Inori, who witnessed all of this, couldn't help but release Funell from her arms. She couldn't believe it; he was fine a moment ago, and now he shot himself, committing suicide.

Getting up quickly, she ran towards Yuki. However, she stopped halfway; something was wrong. He had just shot himself, but there was no blood.

*Cough, cough.

Fortunately, Yuki didn't keep her waiting too long.

"Damn it!"

Yuki, who had just used Zafkiel, couldn't help but curse. He rewound time, but now he noticed he was infected from the moment he entered this world. He tried to rewind time on a 'Yuki' still in the Shinobi world, but it was impossible.

The time and space of each world were different; Zafkiel took the time of the world and controlled it. So, for this world, the oldest Yuki was the one Inori summoned a few hours ago.

"Yuki... You."

With a worried look, Inori saw Yuki's blood.

"Inori... I'm sorry."

*Cough, cough.

The virus was changing again; Yuki could see it. It was throughout his immune system, devouring chakra at a terrifying rate. At this rate, his body wouldn't last more than 15 minutes. If not treated in time, the virus would escape, creating a more lethal virus capable of destroying the human race. The people of this world didn't have chakra, so they had no resistance to this new virus being created in his body.

(It was my mistake, I was careless.)

He was prepared for anything that could happen. Still, he didn't expect to fight against millions of microscopic opponents capable of devouring his chakra and crystallizing his blood.

(If only I could create a seal.)

Fuinjutsu, although it wouldn't stop the virus, it could at least slow it down a bit. Now he regretted not learning more from Tsunade.

"Don't come closer!"

*Cough, cough.

This time, Inori didn't stop. She saw his arm crystallizing completely.


(There's no other way; I'll have to use it.)

Gritting his teeth, Yuki only had one way out. Although he could use Zafkiel to delay the symptoms, it was temporary and consumed more chakra. Besides, he was losing it rapidly.

Izanagi; this was Yuki's only way out. The price for using Izanagi was high—complete loss of vision in his only Sharingan. Although he could regain it with Zafkiel, in this world where his chakra was rapidly consumed, he knew his Sharingan would be lost forever once he left this world. Also, he had to die for his Izanagi to activate. Dying wasn't a pleasant feeling; Yuki had experienced it firsthand.

Even Yuki wondered if he could regain his Sharingan by consuming the vitality of the people in this world. He also ran the risk of getting infected again.

*Cough, cough.


This time, Inori didn't hesitate; she saw his arm completely crystallizing.

Taking Yuki in her arms, she looked at his pale face.

"Idiot... I told you not to come close."

Inori was confused; the speed at which the virus was acting in Yuki's body was abnormal.

(Ah! Damn it! I should have known this would happen!)

Unfortunately, he couldn't use Zafkiel to see the future of another world. He could only look at the future of where he was; that's why he didn't know anything about Mikoto's world, only the brief explanations about it.

His body was getting worse; the pain of having your flesh crystallized was immense.

(To hell with it!)

With great resentment, Yuki closed his eyes, betting everything on Izanagi.

However, unlike him, Inori was in complete chaos.

"Is this my fault?" Looking at Yuki's body crystallizing slowly, Inori blamed herself. She now regretted; if only she knew this would happen, she would never have called him. She was aware of the virus, but she never imagined it would be so terrifying.

She planned to get him a vaccine as soon as he arrived at their base.

But now the vaccine was useless; it couldn't counteract the advanced virus.

"If it is, Yuki... I'm sorry." Looking at him sadly, Inori blamed herself for this. She always cared about following Gai's orders, and that's why, to ensure success, she didn't hesitate to call Yuki.

But now.

"I'm sorry."


Lowering her head, Inori turned her gaze, looking at the small robot.

"Funell..." the little robot approached Inori. Seeing this, Inori looked at him sadly before her eyes lit up.


Holding a glass cylinder in her hand, this was the 'key' she had stolen.

The Void Genome, the king's power; looking at Yuki for a second, Inori alternated her gaze between her hand and Yuki.

"Are you an Emperor?... It should be fine."

Remembering his nickname briefly, Inori gritted her teeth.

Lowering her hand forcefully, she injected the cylinder into Yuki's body.

"Don't die... Yuki."

There was no way out. Using the Void Genome was a significant risk. If they didn't have an acceptable DNA match, they would die when their bodies rejected it. But there was no other option; he would die anyway.

Accepting this fact, Inori only had to have faith and believe in Yuki. After all, he was an Emperor, and the Void Genome granted the ability of the king.

A few seconds later, Yuki opened his eyes.


TN: Make sure to leave reviews!!