Chapter 62: He's Just a Good Kid

The next day, Yuki slowly opened his eyes, accompanied by a small yawn, feeling a gentle breath. Yuki looked at the small body beside him.

Tsugumi was hugging him like a little kitten, nestled against him, a soft smile on her face, and the disheveled blanket revealing a part of her immature chest, exposing her cute pink buds. Seeing this, Yuki smiled with satisfaction; he had experienced this last night.

Looking at the sheet, there was a small red spot. Tsugumi hadn't lied; indeed, it was her first time. Yuki felt great joy and satisfaction about this.

Although, in part, it was also his first time with this body; in his previous life, he had done it many times.

Thinking about it, Yuki felt worried. Truth be told, he still couldn't believe it. He had just lost his virginity to Tsugumi. Yuki thought his first time with this body would be with Tsunade; he never imagined he would lose it in this world.

(I just hope the older sister Tsunade doesn't notice.)

Tsunade was a great medical ninja, and she often attended to his injuries, so she knew his body well. It would be easy for her to find out whether he was still a virgin or not.

Thinking about her reaction when she found out made Yuki's hair stand on end.

Shaking his head, Yuki decided to stop thinking about it.

Giving a small affectionate kiss on Tsugumi's forehead, Yuki slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty.

Picking up his scattered clothes from the floor, Yuki dressed, and after a few minutes, he left the room.

With a smile on his face, Yuki headed to the kitchen. He was very happy and wanted to cook something for Inori and Tsugumi.

No one was in the kitchen. The combination of the late night and the early hour made it a good time.

*Whistle, whistle.

Whistling happily, Yuki cleaned up the kitchen mess. Although he was annoyed that the kitchen was in disarray, today was a special day, and Yuki didn't care about it.

After about an hour, the kitchen was clean.


Nodding in satisfaction, Yuki decided to cook his best dish. He wanted the women he loved to taste his exquisite creation.

"Ugh! My head hurts."

However, his peace was interrupted by a girl in a wheelchair, holding her head in pain, with a dry mouth, craving a glass of water.

This girl was Ayase, suffering from a massive hangover. She looked at Yuki, who was happily whistling and smiling.

"Good morning."

"Ugh!... Good... morning."

While Yuki responded cheerfully, Ayase looked at him in pain.

"Do you want something to drink?"

As if reading her mind, Yuki said with a smile, "Eh?... Oh, thanks."

A little surprised by his kindness, Ayase looked at Yuki with doubt. Normally, Yuki only talked to Tsugumi, Inori, Gai, and Argos. Not because Yuki was bad at conversations; it was because only they had the courage to approach Yuki. Ayase admitted she was afraid of him.

"Here, take it hot; it will help with your hangover."


Handing her a cup of tea, Yuki paid no more attention to Ayase; he still had breakfast to prepare.

Taking the cup in her hands, Ayase hesitated. She didn't deny that Yuki's food was delicious, but today, Yuki seemed happier than usual. Although Yuki always smiled, there was something different about him today, and Ayase noticed.

(Well, never mind.)

Shrugging, Ayase's headache was killing her.

"Delicious..." as always, everything this guy prepared was tasty. Ayase still didn't understand how this worked.But the simplest meals in Yuki's hands always tasted better. Ayase even suspected that Yuki was adding some strange substance.

"I'm glad you like it... This tea will help you a lot, especially with that hangover."

Without turning around, Yuki replied while cutting vegetables.

Surprised by his words, Ayase took more of the tea. With each sip, she gradually felt relaxed, and her headache diminished.

"This tea..."

"Don't be surprised. I made a lot of tea before coming here, for my tutor. She used to get drunk a lot."

What Yuki said was true. He created this tea as a way to relax the body, given Guy's intense training. However, due to an accident, Tsunade discovered this tea. She used to get drunk frequently, so the next-day hangovers were unbearable for her. One day, she accidentally drank this tea and was surprised that her hangover disappeared in minutes.

This made Tsunade jump for joy.

What was the result of all this?

Now Tsunade drinks without fear of hangovers, all because she bribed her 'fiancé' with some huge melons.

Thinking about this, Yuki couldn't help but shake his head at how cheaply he sold himself for Tsunade's chest.

(All for those sacred lands.)

"Eh? Do you have a tutor?"

"Yes, is that strange?"

"No, no... It's just..."

Ayase was surprised. She, like Tsugumi, thought Yuki had escaped from some secret laboratory. Therefore, they were shocked when they learned about his tutor.

"And... Where is she? Can we meet her?"

Although she didn't know where she got the courage to ask, Ayase was curious about Yuki's life. He was, after all, a mystery.

"No, she's not in this world."

Feeling a sense of déjà vu, Yuki responded with the same words he told Tsugumi.

Ayase, upon hearing this, couldn't help but be surprised and wondered if she stepped on a landmine.


"Here you go." While Ayase tried to apologize for the awkward question, Yuki had already handed her a cup of soup.

"Eat; this is good for you." Without waiting for Ayase's response, Yuki continued cooking.

Ayase was in chaos, looking at the soup in front of her, then at Yuki with astonishment.


However, for Ayase, this was fine. She confirmed that Yuki was only a good boy.

At the same time, Ayase felt a huge burden lifted from her. She wiped her tears, and this time, she had a smile on her face as she looked at Yuki.

"Right, your food is the best." This time, without any reservations, Ayase ate her soup.


While looking at Ayase's happy face, Yuki smiled. He couldn't read minds, but he could understand expressions and thoughts, so he knew that Ayase was in an internal conflict. However, he decided to use Tsugumi's method to lighten the atmosphere.

And it worked.

"Tell me, Ayase... Would you like to walk again?"

*Clink pink

The spoon in Ayase's hand fell as she looked at Yuki in amazement.


TN : Well well well gimme your powerstones or I'll drain out your chakra kufufufu... Sorry