Chapter 63: Hangover

"Hm?" Opening her eyes slowly, Tsugumi yawned.

She glanced around the room, and something inside her tightened.

(He's not here.)

That's right; she was alone at the moment. Clutching the sheet with her hands, she covered her body, looking at the small red spot on the sheet, tears welled up in Tsugumi's eyes.

(I did it.)

Tsugumi was both happy and worried—happy that she had the most wonderful night ever and worried that Yuki had deceived her. After all, she had heard stories from several women about how their boyfriends tricked them into bed and disappeared the next day.

At that time, Tsugumi mocked those women for being so foolish, but now she knew that blind love could lead to the greatest foolishness. Now, alone in her room, she felt fear.

Fear that Yuki had deceived her and would return to Inori's arms, forgetting about her.

*Tock Tock

"Tsugumi, it's me... I'm coming in."

Without waiting for Tsugumi to respond, Yuki opened the door.

As Tsugumi watched Yuki enter with a tray of food, her fear vanished without a trace. At the same time, she smiled; she felt so happy that she hadn't been wrong and that, despite being in a relationship with a man who has another woman, he hadn't forgotten her and pushed her aside.

"Good morning, are you hungry?"

"Yes, very... Feed me."

Nodding, Tsugumi gripped the sheet tightly around her body as she opened her mouth.

"Hm~ you're a spoiled girl." Seeing this, Yuki smiled, enjoying the view. Tsugumi's body was naked, with only the blanket covering her—it was too sexy for Yuki.

"Here, open up."

"Ahhh~" bringing the spoon to Tsugumi's mouth, Yuki indulged his little selfishness, which was somehow very cute.

"Delicious~ Yay! I love you!"


After about 30 minutes, Tsugumi had devoured everything Yuki had prepared, holding her satisfied stomach.

"That was delicious~"

"I'm glad you liked it."

Nodding, Yuki leaned in a bit before giving Tsugumi a kiss, which she gladly accepted.

"Yukin... Inoreen, what about Inoreen?"

After finishing their quick kiss, Tsugumi couldn't help but think of her friend.

"She's still sleeping; yesterday's hangover is bothering her. But don't worry; I'll take care of Inori."


Staring at Tsugumi, Yuki licked his lips. Tsugumi blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't look at me like that! Pervert!"

"It's your fault for being so charming... Tell me, Tsugumi, do you want to do it?"

Grabbing Tsugumi by the waist, Yuki started touching her, making Tsugumi's face turn red.

"Not... now, it's not a good... time."

Despite saying that, Tsugumi's body was honest; she was getting excited by his caresses. On the other hand, Yuki was also getting excited, feeling her naked body.

"It is a good time; let's do it."

"Nooo... ah!"

Despite her weak resistance, Tsugumi ultimately succumbed to her desire, letting Yuki take charge.

It had been a morning of many surprises.


Leaving her room, Inori held her head; she, like Ayase, had a strong hangover.


However, as she headed to the kitchen, she encountered something unusual.

Walking alongside Yuki was Tsugumi, who was very close to him, smiling sweetly. Seeing this, Inori couldn't help but feel a tightness in her chest.


Hearing these words, Tsugumi reacted like a cat whose tail had been stepped on—she jumped away from Yuki.

"Inoreen?... What a surprise." Sweating profusely, the smile on Tsugumi's face was stiff.

Inori only glanced at Tsugumi for a moment before turning to look at Yuki.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty... I was about to go to your room." Unlike Tsugumi, Yuki was calm as a cucumber. Tsugumi, hearing him, was left speechless and wondered how thick Yuki's skin was.

What Yuki said was true; he was about to go to her room, so he wasn't surprised that she was awake. Unlike Tsugumi, who was by his side feeling guilty, Yuki didn't worry.

"Yes... Good morning, Yuki." Approaching Yuki, Inori hugged him. She made sure to hug him tightly, but she frowned; there was a different scent on Yuki's body than usual. She sniffed a bit more, then turned her head to look at Tsugumi.

Tsugumi didn't know what to say. The fact that Inori hugged Yuki without any reservations and then turned to look at her made Tsugumi force a bitter smile.

Inori's gaze made Tsugumi a bit nervous; she watched as Inori declared her territory, and Tsugumi didn't like it.

"Come on, I have breakfast for you." Seeing their silent confrontation, Yuki left Inori's embrace before taking her hand. At the same time, he also took Tsugumi's hand.

"Eh?" Surprised by this, Tsugumi opened her mouth slightly.

Yuki just smiled at her gesture before walking with a flower in each hand. Inori, however, looked at her hand and Yuki's, which were entwined, before turning her head to look at Tsugumi and Yuki's hands, also entwined. This made her furrow her brow a bit, but she didn't say anything; she thought she would talk to Tsugumi later.

"Too slow! Why did it take you so long?" Upon reaching the kitchen, Ayase looked at the trio, and, of course, their entwined hands didn't escape her eyes. She wasn't surprised by Inori and Yuki; she thought it was just a matter of time, as it was very obvious that Inori liked Yuki a lot. What surprised her was the entwined hands of Tsugumi and Yuki. She opened her eyes in shock at seeing them like this.

(A two-way relationship? Yuki, you're a womanizer.) Looking at Yuki with a flower in each hand, Ayase couldn't help but think this. At the same time, she wondered when this had happened.


Shaking Yuki's hand, Tsugumi saw Ayase as her salvation; Inori's gaze had been making her uncomfortable.

Hugging Ayase tightly, Tsugumi felt at ease, but something didn't escape Ayase's eyes.

(Is that a kiss mark!?) Ayase looked in shock at Tsugumi's neck, which had a kiss mark.

This was also the reason why Inori had been staring at her. However, Tsugumi hadn't noticed it; she didn't even know she had something like that.

Ayase couldn't help but look at Yuki, who was now serving tea to Inori. Seeing this, Ayase didn't know what to think. She sighed and shook her head before returning the hug to Tsugumi.


TN : I , young master of the peng clan, demand all your stones!!