Chapter 93: Damn Shota

"Right on time, ladies finally emerged," Yuki said, nodding as he looked at the girls.

Tsugumi, in a sleek black one-piece swimsuit, showcased her well-defined curves, and the little bunnies on the front were something Yuki glanced at momentarily with lustful eyes before turning his gaze to the other girl.

Ayase, as Yuki had expected, had the hottest body in the group, wearing an orange bandage-style bikini that displayed her well-developed breasts and a plump rear – earning a thumbs up from Yuki.

Next was Inori, her slender and slim figure, white skin complemented by a pink frilly bikini, satisfied Yuki completely. His Eva was beautiful, and Adam was pleased with what he saw.

Of course, Hare and Kanon didn't lag behind, both in their respective white and green bikinis.

However, Yuki had to commend what he saw. He easily noticed that Hare's slender figure was only second to Inori, not to mention those breasts, second only to Ayase.

Souta and Shu, the duo, were also left speechless. After all, the girls looked stunning, showcasing their beautiful figures.


Swallowing saliva for a moment, Yuki just smiled at the pair of idiots.

"I guess it's my turn."

Taking off his jacket, Yuki revealed his upper body.

"Eh?" Souta was speechless. He clearly saw muscles on Yuki's slender figure, unsure why or how Yuki had muscles at such a young age. However, he had to admit they looked good on him – Gai's training was evidently intense.

The girls also appreciated what they saw, despite having reservations about Yuki having such a body at a young age. However, they had to admit that in a couple of years, this guy would be a real problem with women.

Tsugumi, in particular, didn't want to wait for a couple more years. She licked her lips while looking at him, her recent lack of action making her somewhat lustful. She thought forgiving him and returning to couple activities wouldn't be a bad idea.

"You all look beautiful."

Opening his arms in a welcoming gesture, Yuki praised them; after all, his girlfriends were very beautiful.

This surprised the duo, but Yuki remained unfazed by their reactions.

"Thank you."

"Of course, I am beautiful."


While each of them had a different reaction to his compliment, Tsugumi puffed her chest with pride, as if she expected those words.

Inori and Ayase, on the other hand, blushed a bit. This was new for both of them.


Hare, however, was looking at Shu with a flushed face. She also wanted a compliment.

"Well... It looks very good."

Though with trembling lips, Shu managed to say those words. Hare looked very sexy, and this made Shu turn his head in embarrassment.

"Thank you."

Bowing her head, the little couple entered their little world.

This made the group look at them for a moment before sighing; couples were, after all, the bane of all singles.

However, due to this distraction, they didn't notice that Yuki had stealthily moved, holding Inori in his arms, touching her waist.

"Hm?" Though with doubts, Inori didn't reject his embrace; she was very comfortable with it.

While the group was distracted and drowned in the rosy atmosphere of Shu and Hare, Souta still paid attention to Yuki. There was a bet at stake, and he wanted to see if Yuki had the courage to do what he said he would.

However, now he began to regret it. That damn brat practically ran into Inori's arms, placing his head between her small breasts. And from Inori's reaction, she didn't seem to hate it; rather, she was gently stroking his hair, like an older sister.

Just because of this, Souta clenched his teeth and fists; Yuki was taking advantage of his Shota appearance. So much so that a vein popped on Souta's forehead.

(Damn Shota!)

But this wasn't over. Yuki turned his head for a moment, looking at the angry Souta and smiled mischievously.

Souta, who saw that smug smile, felt something inside him about to explode.

However, soon Souta's body petrified. After all, Inori had just tilted her head, kissing Yuki in her arms.


(Did something just break? ... Oh, I get it now.)

Souta's eyes lost their light, and something inside him snapped – the fantasies and hopes of a fan.

But luckily for Souta, his good friend Shu also turned his gaze at the exact moment when Inori kissed Yuki.


It could be said that another heart just broke. Watching this, Shu's eyes also lost their light.

Completely forgetting the warm atmosphere he had with Hare.

As if sensing something strange, the girls also turned their heads, and Hare and Kanon opened their mouths in surprise.

They looked at this little couple with an incredulous gaze.


At the same time, they couldn't help but look at Inori in a new light.

As for Tsugumi and Ayase, they just shook their heads. This shameless pair showed affection wherever and with whomever they were, no matter how embarrassing.

However, this didn't stop Inori. She didn't care about these things; for her, kissing, showing affection, and love for Yuki were normal, whether someone else was watching or not didn't matter.


TN : Give powerstones if you think it should have been us not him 😢