Chapter 94: Nightmare

Chapter 94: Nightmare

[Terms have been fulfilled]

[Inviting new member]

[Loading... 10%..40%..60%..100%]

[Nightmare has joined the group]


Staring at the floating screen, Yuki opened his mouth. It was late at night, and he had decided to grab a midnight snack while enjoying the nighttime view of the beach, taking a leisurely walk.

Initially, he had wanted to invite Inori or Tsugumi, but it was a pity they were too exhausted and had fallen asleep like logs.

However, Yuki wasn't the only one with this idea. After all, there was someone else excited about the beach – Ayase.

She sat on the sand, savoring the night breeze, swinging her legs horizontally. Today had been a great day for her; running and feeling the sea was like a dream. Even though she was tired, she remained seated on the sand. Yuki, seeing her, had wanted to join, but now this chat screen was in front of him.

So, with a sigh, Yuki decided to first say 'Hello' to this newcomer.


[Mikoto Misaka is online]

[Yuno Gasai is online]

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion) is online]

[Yami is online]

[La Folia is online]

Just like Yuki, all the chat members, except Inori, logged in. Inori was likely too tired to hear the chat alert, but that was fine; she could greet them later.

**Mikoto Misaka:** Another strange name, "Nightmare"? Uchiha-san, are you sure this is a group of heroes? Because it looks more like a group of villains.

**Yuki Uchiha (Champion):** If this is a group of villains, then so are you.

With a sigh, Yuki replied to Mikoto's message. He also thought the newcomer's nickname was odd, but what could he say? The rest of the members also had peculiar nicknames, especially La Folia and Yuno, who had the oddest ones.

**Yuno Gasai:** Nee~ Yuki, why don't you come to my world? I'm still waiting for you.

**Yuki Uchiha (Champion):** I still have many tasks, but don't worry, I'll come to your world as promised.

Looking at Yuki's message, Yuno pouted. Although she was eager to meet him, she couldn't say anything. After all, Yuki told her to wait for two days, and only about six hours had passed. There was still time.

However, despite that, a dangerous glint shone in Yuno's eyes upon not seeing Inori connected. If what Inori said was true, then Yuki was in her world.

**Yuno Gasai:** Fine, I'll be waiting for you... That reminds me, Yuki... where are you?

**Yuki Uchiha (Champion):...**


He didn't know why, but Yuki felt a chill run down his spine reading Yuno's message. Sweat ran down his face as he swallowed; Yuno's dependence was increasing, and Yuki knew that wasn't a good sign.

And it wasn't just Yuki who felt this. The same happened with Mikoto; she had started to feel a lot of fear about Yuno. She didn't know why, but her instincts screamed that Yuno was terrifying.

**La Folia:** Ara~ Miss Gasai, you shouldn't do that. My future husband is uncomfortable, isn't that right, Yuki-sama?

**Yuno Gasai:** Bitch! Damn thieving cat!

**La Folia:** Huhuhu

But someone wasn't afraid of Yuno – La Folia. As a natural enemy of Yuno, her pressure didn't affect her at all. The same went for her insults; La Folia was immune to them. She didn't care about such things; she was just playing with Yuno, and reading her messages always made her laugh. She never got tired of them.

On the other hand, Yuno had a vein popping on her forehead because of this. La Folia was indestructible, and Yuno really wanted to go to her world and kill her, but it's a shame she still didn't have Yuki's permission.

However, for better or worse, La Folia had done a good job distracting Yuno, so Yuki breathed a sigh of relief.

**Yami:** Reward?

Another member unaffected by Yuno's aura was Yami. For her, everything she expected from this chat room was her reward. Since she tasted those wonderful pastries, she had been eagerly looking forward to them every day. So, she made sure to send Yuki a message every day, and, of course, she received her reward. Yami had started to see Yuki in a different light; he was like an owner feeding his pet.

**Mikoto Misaka:** There it goes again.

Mikoto was also accustomed to the small exchanges between La Folia and Yuno. Although she worried at first, it had become routine. Those two verbally attacked whenever they could, so now it was a minor issue.

However, while all this was happening, they were so engrossed in their chat that they completely forgot about the new member and that Inori was missing from the chat room.


"Fufufu... What an interesting group."

On top of a building stood a girl with black hair, tied in two uneven ponytails. She was very beautiful, with skin as white as porcelain, wearing a crimson red dress with black patterns, paired with long black boots, and black tights under her dress. In her hair, she wore a butterfly-shaped ribbon, giving her a gothic Lolita appearance.

Although she was beautiful, there was something very unusual about her. The shadow beneath her feet was constantly flickering. Her eyes were also very unusual; her right eye was an intense red, while the left one was golden, manifesting an inorganic-looking clock.

If Yuki saw this, he would be shocked because he knew what those eyes meant.


That golden eye was the mark of that angel, as well as Yuki's gift.

Looking at each of the chat messages, the girl smiled with interest.

She didn't send any messages; she just read. At the same time, she was also analyzing their responses. This was very unusual and the first time for this girl.

Because, about a few minutes ago, this holographic screen blinked in front of her.

[The world recognizes your efforts. Do you desire revenge? Do you want power? Do you want to kill your greatest enemy? Do you want to see those important people to you again?... You have been chosen! The Champion will grant you power. Come, join this Chat Room.]

At first, she thought it was a Phantom's prank, as no one could catch her off guard, and a screen appeared on her face. But looking at it differently, this chat room seemed to know her very well, to the point that there were keywords mixed in it.

Out of curiosity, she pressed [Yes].

And now, watching this kind of comedy between the members, a mischiechievous smile appeared on her face, and her eyes sparkled when she saw a particular name.

[**Yuki Uchiha (Champion)**]

"Champion... Will you give me power?"
