Chapter 95: Imitation and Original

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "Could you all stop? We've forgotten about our new member."

[Mikoto Misaka]: "You're right."

[Yuno Gasai]: "I'm sorry, Yuki, but this woman..."

Gritting her teeth with fury, Yuno dangerously eyed the name La Folia. This woman was shortening her lifespan with just messaging her.

[La Folia]: "Yes, Yuki-sama, all for my future husband."

Sending this message with a double or triple hidden meaning, Yuki shook his head.

This woman really knew what she wanted. After all, these were no longer indirect hints, but direct ones.

"Just wait until I see you; I'll smack that round rear of yours."

Promising to himself, Yuki decided that he had to spank La Folia's rear. She caused him a lot of trouble and a few benefits, but nonetheless, Yuki thought it was best to show her who's boss.

So, on his list, he noted down La Folia's rear.

Princess or not, this woman was going to fall. After all, she sought the best offspring, and Yuki gladly would provide that. The Uchiha clan lacked members, and what better way to start than in other worlds.

Thinking about this, Yuki decided to welcome the forgotten new member in this way.

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "I'm sorry for that, but I'm very glad you joined. So... welcome to this chat room."

Despite having a nickname similar to his, in their first world, everyone here in the chat room had weird aliases, so another one didn't make a difference.

[Nightmare]: "Thanks for the warm welcome... Fufufu, it seems like a lively group."

Although being forgotten, the new member showed no anger. On the contrary, she seemed to be enjoying herself, making Yuki satisfied.

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "For now, I invite you to read the chat instructions; you'll find some interesting things."

[Nightmare]: "Hihi, I've already taken the liberty to read it. Thanks... But although it's dubious, I'll trust this chat room. So, it will be a pleasure from now on... *Image of a bow jpg."

Reading this message made Yuki raise his eyebrows in surprise. This member is very interesting, and by her behavior, also cautious. But that's fine; she's new to this, and if she weren't cautious, she'd be a fool.

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "I understand. For now, why don't you change your nickname to your name? All of us here have done it."

The black-haired girl squinted her eyes at this message. She didn't want to change her alias; for her, it was better to use this name. After all, in her world, everyone knew her by this alias. But the one who asked her was the 'Champion.'

If what the chat room said was true, then each of the members is not ordinary people, not to mention the Champion, who was obviously the leader of this group. His words carried weight with each member, and she knew it.

So rejecting them would not be a good action, not to mention she was chosen by the 'Champion.'

Or at least, that's what she thought.

Tilting her head slightly, she brought a finger to her lips and smiled.

[Nightmare]: "Fine, if it's you, Champion-sama, who asks, I'll gladly accept."

[Nightmare changed her name to Kurumi Tokisaki]

Thinking it over, there was no harm even if they knew her real name. Kurumi was very elusive, so even if they knew, it wouldn't make a difference. Not to mention, the members are from different worlds.

As Kurumi said, while La Folia and Yuno spammed the chat, she took the liberty to read this chat guide. So she found out that the members are from completely different worlds. It was crazy and unbelievable.

But in reverse, her existence was also unbelievable. Spirits, after all, are beings rejected by the world, so accepting the existence of other worlds was not difficult.

But there was something that caught her attention, and that is, she could travel between worlds with the help of this chat room. But there was a prerequisite for this.

And that's the Champion's permission. Just for this, Kurumi smiled broadly. She didn't know how powerful the Champion was, nor how powerful the members were, but the stronger, the better.

If she wanted to bring down her enemy, the Champion was a key existence that would help her in her goal. So now she understands a bit more about the members. After all, if she wants to travel to other worlds, the Champion's permission was necessary.

However, she also smiled ironically. Some members were not entirely okay, especially Yuno, who suffered from extreme dependence. So much so that Kurumi thought she was lovesick. As for La Folia, Kurumi licked her lips; that woman was a troublemaker.

If people who knew Kurumi knew what she was thinking, they would be speechless. After all, Kurumi also has a few loose screws, so it could be said that she is perfect for this group.

[Kurumi Tokisaki]: "Once again, let me introduce myself. My name is Kurumi Tokisaki, a spirit... It will be a pleasure."

[Mikoto Misaka]: "Spirit? What is that? Well, it doesn't matter; everyone here is weird. Welcome."

[La Folia]: "Your messages hurt, Miss Misaka. Huhu, a pleasure to you too, Miss Tokisaki."

[Yami]: "Welcome."

[Yuno Gasai]: "As long as you don't seduce Yuki, I'm fine with it."

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "...."

While all the girls gave their warm greetings, Kurumi smiled. Apparently, none of them cared that she was a spirit. Mikoto, in fact, didn't know anything about it. But there was someone who did.

Yuki, on the other hand, was in shock upon seeing the name.

He knew very well what that name meant.

Because for Yuki, there were a few names he would never forget, and Kurumi Tokisaki was one of them.

Yuki remembered very well the day of his death. He remembered the Goddess Artemis, and he also remembered the origin of his reward.

So at that moment, Yuki thought he would never encounter the origin of his reward.

But now.


"Is it her... really?"

Swallowing saliva, Yuki was a little nervous. After all, he was an imitator, and Kurumi Tokisaki was the original.

(I need to check it)

But nothing would change. If he hesitated, he had to make sure Kurumi was that 'Kurumi.'

Because there are billions of people and thousands of worlds, so encountering Kurumi Tokisaki was as rare as Phoenix feathers.

However, Kurumi's fate was very high to meet Yuki like this. After all, the Champion doesn't have a predetermined fate.

So, this encounter is purely coincidental and a result of Kurumi's strong desires.

[Kurumi Tokisaki]: "Ara? Is something wrong, Champion-sama?"

Seeing his empty message, Kurumi raised her eyebrows a bit. So, with doubts, she asked. This slightly suspicious behavior of the Champion made Kurumi be on guard.

Meanwhile, the other members, after the welcome, remained silent, waiting for Yuki to finish explaining. Except for Mikoto, no one wanted to bother with such things. Yuno lacked patience, not to mention she hated it every time a new member joined. Yami only thought about her stomach, making her unsuitable for the task. Inori wasn't connected, La Folia would take more time to explain and wouldn't get anywhere, leaving only Mikoto and Yuki. But Yuki was the leader, so this role fell to him.

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "Nothing, don't worry."

[Kurumi Tokisaki]: "Really? You can ask me anything, Champion-sama. I made sure to answer you to the best of my ability."

As if tempted by those words, Yuki sighed.

(To hell with it, if things go south, I'll just knock her down)

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion)]: "Alright then, Kurumi... Does the name 'Zafkiel' ring a bell?"
