Chapter 383: Ocarina

The Demon King moved swiftly, but the mechanical spider Mary was even faster, overwhelming the Demon King.

Large pillars of caramel fell as Mary, the mechanical spider, held the Demon King in its doll-mouth.


Laughing cruelly, Chariot waved her claws, controlling Mary to bite through the Demon King's spiritual armor and simultaneously slamming him forcefully against a gigantic caramel mountain.


The ground cracked, and candies collapsed.

"Gyahahaha, a child is a child, no matter how strong you are, you're still no match for this lady."

However, before Chariot could declare her victory, the Demon King's Mangekyou Sharingan spun, and giant crystal pillars pierced through Mary, while the colossal mountain of caramel split in half.


Jumping in panic, Chariot quickly distanced herself from Mary, who was destroyed in seconds.

But it wasn't over yet. A light flashed, and the Demon King wielded Est, initiating a large-scale attack.

Chariot swiftly covered herself with her shield, but unfortunately, it was futile as several crystal spikes emerged from the ground, threatening to pierce her.


Moving with great agility on her wheels, Chariot quickly retreated. Still, the Demon King didn't give her the chance to escape, as his body glowed, and he forcefully brought down his sword.



Using her shield to protect herself, the ground beneath Chariot broke, and her metallic wheels screeched.


Without giving her a break, several veins bulged in the Demon King's arm, lowering his sword, striking Chariot's shield with force. Three sword strikes were enough for Chariot's shield to creak, sending Chariot flying from the shockwave.

The physical strength of the Demon King was on another level...

Several caramel towers collapsed until something softened Chariot's fall.

"I told you..."

This person was Black Rock Shooter, who had intervened to prevent Chariot from being severely injured. Unlike Black Rock Shooter, possessing a powerful and immortal body, Chariot could die in the dream. Therefore, it was Black Rock Shooter's duty to stand in the forefront.

"He is strong..."

Shaking her head, Chariot looked at her shield, damaged by the Demon King's sword. A little more, and her shield would have shattered. Fortunately, she acted promptly, letting the shockwave hit her, thus distancing herself from the Demon King.

"We must work together; I'll take the lead."


Assenting in understanding, Chariot's shield lit up, repairing its cracks, and several mechanical spiders began to form from the mist.

"Let's go!"

With their preparations complete, Black Rock Shooter launched forward, while the mechanical spiders opened their doll mouths, raining down candies.

"... "

The Demon King's Mangekyou Sharingan spun, but his Breach Dojutsu couldn't activate.

It seemed these dream worlds had the ability to negate his powers. Unfortunately, the Demon King's abilities were too strong, so the dream world could only deny one ability.

Black Rock Shooter had negated Lucifugus, while Chariot negated the Breach Dojutsu.

Both terrifying abilities. However, the Demon King still had his World Apolitical Dojutsu and Est.

The Demon King didn't know how many parallel personalities the Dream Champion had, but if he negated one ability per dream world, then his chances of winning would be less than 5%.

Unless, of course, he broke the second seal...

Pink crystals rose in the colorful world, and Black Rock Shooter and Chariot fought side by side to stop the Demon King...


Time passed, and both Black Rock Shooter and Chariot had their armor in tatters.

Thousands of mechanical spiders had been destroyed, while pink pillars adorned the colorful world.

Fortunately for them, the colorful world greatly negated the Apocalypse virus; otherwise, both would have long been infected and destroyed—a virus that could affect dream worlds.

But the dream world couldn't deny the existence of Est, so both Black Rock Shooter and Chariot struggled under the mighty sword.

"... "

The Demon King was also somewhat injured. He was winning, but he couldn't defeat Black Rock Shooter and Chariot yet.

His connection with reality was severed, and Lucifugus and the Limit Dojutsu were denied in this dream world. Moreover, since this was a dream, the Demon King couldn't keep breaking the other seals of his power constantly; he could only slowly regain his strength.

Black Rock Shooter and Chariot, as owners of the Black and White World and the Color World, respectively, had the terrain advantage. Thus, they could fight evenly with the Demon King despite him continuously increasing his energy.

Suddenly, the Mangekyou Sharingan spun, and a snow-white exoskeleton formed around the Demon King.

The Demon King wanted to finish this quickly, so he activated his third Dojutsu, Susanoo...

"Can he become even stronger?!"

Chariot opened her eyes in surprise. As they fought, they gradually noticed that he was getting stronger. The Demon King rose stronger like a berserker with every hit and every fight.

Previously, it took three sword strikes to send her flying; now, the Demon King only needed one hit, and Chariot's shield would be creaking...

And as time passed, the situation became more complicated. Black Rock Shooter could no longer stop the Demon King's sword.

Now, seeing this enormous humanoid skeleton forming around the Demon King, both clenched their fists. So much Order energy accumulating in the Demon King...

"We need to activate the third level..."

Once the Third Level was activated, the third parallel will of the Dream Champion would come to fight. Both Black Rock Shooter and Chariot would undergo a drastic change in energy, moving from High Destroyers to Stellar scale...

Their bodies flashed, healing once again, preparing for the next battle. Since all their wounds were a dream, Black Rock Shooter and Chariot could repair and heal indefinitely.


Susanoo's massive skeletal palms descended and destroyed the caramel pillars. Black Rock Shooter and Chariot distanced themselves, gritting their teeth; this was spiraling out of control.


However, just as they were about to activate the third level, an Ocarina fell from the sky.

"It finished recharging; the Ocarina is ready!"

Grabbing the Ocarina without hesitation, Chariot quickly began to play it. This Ocarina was an essential artifact capable of sealing chaos itself.

In ancient times, this Ocarina was used by the top Champion to suppress universal chaos.

"... "

The Demon King narrowed his eyes, listening to the song. At first, it wasn't much, but as the tune changed, the Demon King's energy diminished, and his Crown began to tremble...

The spiritual world flashed, and the Sky Castle opened its doors, forcefully sucking in the Demon King.


With his body trembling, the crown on his head expanded, colliding with the Dream Champion's crown. He couldn't stay calm anymore; he needed to use all his power to fight. He also used the skeletal arms of the incomplete Susanoo to stop Chariot.


But it was stopped by a translucent barrier.

"No, you won't."

Black Rock Shooter aimed her cannon and fired, pushing back Susanoo with her projectiles.



The song changed its tone, and the Demon King roared, ruthlessly hitting the barrier. Unfortunately, the song didn't stop. Massive chains emerged from the spiritual world and bound the Demon King.

"... "

Chariot's golden hair waved. She didn't stop and continued playing the Ocarina until all the energy and the Demon King himself disappeared, leaving only a black-haired boy holding his head.

This was the power of the Ocarina, capable of stopping the greatest monster.


Title: Dream Champion

True Name: ???

Occupation: Champion

Power Level: Stellar Mid-High

World-Protecting Crown: Infinite Dream World

Parallel Wills, Parallel Domains, Power Denial, Immortality

Level 1, Black Rock Shooter: Black and White World

Level 2, Chariot: Color World

Level 3, Dead Master: World of the Dead

Level 4, Black Gold Saw: Crimson World

Level 5: ???

Level 6: ???


Author's Note: Just a small detail about Black Rock Shooter's statistics; as for the Demon King, his stats are incomplete.

TN: hmmmm