Chapter 384: A Great Secret

Opening his eyes, Yuki felt his body burning, and at the same time, a searing pain coursed through him.


However, his vision had also dimmed; everything around him looked blurry.

There's no such thing as a free lunch; because the Demon King carelessly used the Mangekyou Sharingan, the side effect was rendering him blind.

Also, due to the Demon King's immense power, his body couldn't withstand such a condensed power load.

His body was in complete disarray, and every muscle ached, along with several bone fractures.

But this also confused Yuki. Back in the Mirai Nikki world, Yuki also released the Demon King, but at that time, there were no side effects.

However, thinking more deeply, in the Mirai Nikki world, the Demon King didn't use his powers for a long time.

And although Yuki didn't know what the Demon King did, he could figure it out from the state of his body.

"Damn... Demon King..."

Cursing his other self, Yuki gritted his teeth. His mind was in chaos, overwhelmed by feelings stemming from his bloodline. The intensity of these emotions caused him to momentarily lose control of his emotions, triggering the awakening of the Demon King and the Mangekyou Sharingan.

The death of his mother once again threw his mind into chaos.

But more than his mother's death, the guilt he felt for being the cause of her death was the spark that ignited the fire.

Because of this, Yuki was suffering more emotionally than from the wounds on his body.

"You're in bad shape..."

"Huh? Who are you?"

Suddenly, a voice called to him, and Yuki slowly turned his head. However, his vision was so blurry that he couldn't distinguish the silhouette.

This voice belonged to Black Rock Shooter; the dream world returned to normal, and Chariot vanished along with the Color World.

Black Rock Shooter, on the other hand, stayed and observed Yuki's current state. She shook her head, thinking that if she activated the third level, Yuki's body would likely not withstand the Demon King's power load, and his body would explode from the intense power.

Fortunately, the Ocarina appeared at a good time; otherwise, she would have to use the law of dreams to create a new body for the Demon King.

Snapping her fingers, mist enveloped Yuki's body, and all his wounds and side effects disappeared.


Feeling the warm mist travel through his body, Yuki was surprised. His injuries vanished, and his vision returned to normal.

Black Rock Shooter used the law of dreams to heal him, making all his wounds just a dream.


With his vision back, Yuki opened his eyes wide, feeling the aura of Black Rock Shooter.

It was warm, and he could feel that the world loved her. Her aura was so similar to his that Yuki's lips trembled.

A true Champion had appeared...

"There's no need to be so surprised. We're family. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the first will of the Dream Champion, Black Rock Shooter."

Shaking her head, Black Rock Shooter began to explain.

There were many things that Yuki was unaware of, such as how the Champions moved and who they were. It was she who sealed the Demon King and prevented his body from exploding.

Black Rock Shooter also mentioned their leader, the Empress, but she ignored her true name and power and continued explaining.

The multiverse is so vast that even she hasn't explored it all. Even if she spent eternity, she wouldn't cover it all.

Black Rock Shooter didn't go into details, but she did talk about the main objective.

"You are very weak. Your other will is very strong, and your body cannot handle all that power."

The Demon King's power is immense. Fortunately, the Demon King is still inexperienced and doesn't know how to use his crown properly. Otherwise, the Dream Champion would have a tough time facing him.

There are two beings whose fate cannot be harmed by the attack of destiny, using the power of Order; both can bring disasters to living beings and salvation to the will of the World.

They would engage in a senseless fight, and both sides would end up suffering losses.

However, in this confrontation, experience marked victory. The Dream Champion was more skilled and could use her Crown perfectly, trapping the Demon King in her Domain from the start.

"You cannot carry out your duties in your current state. I recommend that you increase your energy level and challenge your other will again."

Things were not as simple as they seemed. Although the Demon King is sealed, Yuki needs the Demon King to be a complete Champion. The wound he suffered in his battle as a Hero divided both into two completely different beings; they needed to become one again so that Yuki could face the aberrations of chaos.

"So... do I need to release the Demon King again?"

In their current situation, the Demon King represents a threat; it would not be wise to release him.

Yuki couldn't understand how the Demon King would help him. It was easier to increase his energy and power through hard work and seeking opportunities.

Until now, it had worked. Since he started traveling from world to world, his power had increased.

"You must do it. You need your other half; the Crown is stronger in your other self."

Frowning, Black Rock Shooter rejected that simplistic thought.

Indeed, Yuki might become stronger with more opportunities.

But everything has a limit; there will come a day when Yuki cannot solve problems and urgently needs his other half.

"If you face an Overlord, you'll understand how defenseless you are."


Yuki didn't respond, but he knew how dangerous chaos could be. The world of Mirai Nikki is an example; even Deus died because of it.

An Overlord could only be defeated by Order. Even if the world unites, everything will be useless if the light of Order stops shining.

However, all of this confused him.

The more he learned about the Champions and Overlords, the more confused he became.

Apparently, this war between Order and Chaos is not limited to just saving the world; there is more, something bigger is happening.

"How much do you remember about your birth as a Champion?"

Another thing that bothered Black Rock Shooter is Yuki's lack of experience with the Power of Order. Champions receive their Crown and the wisdom to use it when they are born.

But the Demon King couldn't use it skillfully, and Yuki couldn't even activate it.

"My birth?"

Honestly, Yuki had no idea; he only knew that his game character exploded and saved the world. Beyond that, it's a mystery.

Even when he met Artemis, this Goddess named him a Hero but didn't mention the Crown, let alone his title.

(This is more serious than I thought.)

Using the law of dreams, Black Rock Shooter delved into Yuki's memories. However, his soul and memories were fragmented, and there was a huge void in his soul, as if pieces were missing.

Something had been forcibly torn away....

Black Rock Shooter found this absurd; that Yuki could live, that he could fight, was already a miracle. Not being able to remember was already a small price to pay with these injuries...

(His battle against the Lord of the Abysswas more cruel and burdensome than I imagined. It's impossible that he can still live...)

Heroes are paper tigers in the face of Order and Chaos. Even the greatest hero will die if his soul and destiny are crushed.

But the Time Emperor survived and triumphed against an Overlord without using the power of Order. This was impossible...

And it wasn't an ordinary Overlord; it was someone who had reached the Cosmic scale.

(What is this?! Your Majesty... What have you done?!)

Suddenly, Black Rock Shooter's crown trembled, and she opened her eyes in shock.

She had found the missing soul fragments in Yuki, but these fragments were not normal...

There was something terrible about them. Now she understood why the Empress said that the Time Emperor was not ready yet.

The Empress had committed a great taboo, and if Black Rock Shooter wasn't mistaken, thanks to these fragments, the Time Emperor was able to triumph against the Lord of the Abyss...

Black Rock Shooter trembled in fear; this was beyond her capabilities.

The existence of the Demon King, the seals, and the Chat Room...

Everything was connected...

Everything made sense now; the reason the Empress kidnapped that little World Spirit and decided to give it to the Time Emperor.

It wasn't to heal his wounds; it was to reinforce his soul for the transformation...


TN: Ngl don't know what the empress did but giving me creepy vibes lol
