The interview

Adelynn nodded vigorously. "Yes, it is! You should definitely go for the interview. I'm sure you'll ace it."

"I don't know." Esme shrugged, hesitant. "I lack work experience."

"Come on, Esme. Show some confidence. You're smart and talented. I'm sure you'll impress in the interview," Adelynn encouraged, gripping her shoulders. "This is your chance to show Julian what he has lost. Show your skills, flaunt your beauty, and make him jealous. Who knows? Maybe even catch the eye of the CEO himself."

Esme chuckled, rolling her eyes. "The CEO? Why would he even notice me?"

"Well, this interview is for the secretary to the CEO position. He's a young, handsome billionaire, the heartthrob of many women, but he..." Adelynn didn't finish her sentence. A cunning idea crossed her mind, and she smiled at Esme slyly. "I think you should try to woo him to teach Julian a lesson."

Esme's jaw dropped in shock. "Are you crazy? I can't do that!"

Adelynn wouldn't back down. "Don't you want to take revenge on Julian? Make him jealous?"

"Yeah, but…" Esme tried to protest.

"That's it. Keep that in mind," Adelynn interrupted. "He'll be frustrated if he sees you with someone more handsome and successful than him. I want to see his face."

Esme found herself mulling over Adelynn's words. She couldn't help but entertain the idea. Working closely with the CEO could become a tool to incite jealousy in Julian. If she got the job, she might leverage her proximity to the CEO to make Julian regret his choices.

Adelynn, noticing Esme's contemplative state, felt a surge of excitement. She sensed Esme was considering her suggestion.

Convinced of Silas's fickle nature, Adelynn was sure that he would soon get tired of his new girlfriend and would be drawn to Esme. This would give Adelynn a great opportunity to craft a sensational story about Silas's love life.

"Yes, this is your chance to shine," Adelynn cheered her on. "Show him what he has missed. But remember, don't get too involved. These wealthy men rarely take relationships seriously. Keep it casual and focus on your revenge."

"Who is serious about that man?" Esme retorted. "I know my goal, and it's to make Julian regret ever letting me go." Annoyance etched her features as she gritted her teeth.

"That's great." Adelynn heaved a small sigh of relief. "The interview is in two days. Get ready for it."

"Thank you, Adel," Esme expressed her gratitude. "I'll give it my all in the interview."

Esme felt a surge of excitement about the upcoming interview, unaware she was about to encounter Silas again.


Esme, clad in a gray skirt and white blouse that she had borrowed from her friend, came for the interview. She was already nervous. The lavish decor and modern architecture of the building only added to her anxiety, but she forced a smile and approached the front desk with determination.

The impeccably dressed receptionist greeted her warmly and asked her purpose. Esme explained that she was there for an interview.

The receptionist replied, "Take the elevator to the top floor. Best wishes for the interview."

Esme thanked her and made her way to the elevator, which took her to the top floor in no time. Sunlight flooded through the glass walls, casting a radiant glow on the pristine white marble floor. The sprawling cityscape visible from the 40th floor was nothing short of breathtaking—a place that seemed perfect for moments of leisure.

Despite the allure of the view, Esme's thoughts remained fixated on the impending interview. She had a plan to execute, and cracking this interview was crucial to its success. Suppressing the urge to linger and soak in the scenery, she approached another reception outside the CEO's office, where a woman awaited behind the white-marbled counter.

"Hi, how can I assist you?" The gorgeous young lady, clad in formal attire with her hair held in a sleek bun, asked her.

"Hello. I'm here for the interview," Esme replied with a smile.

The woman nodded and gestured towards the corridor. "Please take the right turn, and you'll find the CEO's office. Good luck with your interview."

"Thank you," Esme responded graciously before heading down the indicated path, her mind entirely focused on the pivotal interview ahead.

As Esme rounded the corner, she noticed a line of applicants seated in chairs outside the CEO's office. Taking an empty seat, she awaited her turn, her nerves spiraling as she observed the composed and seemingly experienced women surrounding her. Each exuded a palpable air of confidence, causing Esme's own assurance in her abilities to waver.

She acknowledged the daunting challenge ahead, recognizing the formidable competition. Doubt crept in as she compared herself to the poised individuals awaiting their interviews. Could she really measure up and secure the position?

Just then, a woman emerged from the CEO's office, her face pale and tears in her eyes. The other ladies nearby rushed over to her, asking what had happened. Esme listened intently, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Mr. Sullivan is too strict," the woman said with a hoarse voice, her demeanor reflecting the distress of her recent experience. "He posed intricate questions. Initially, I managed, but his cold demeanor made me nervous. I faltered, forgot everything, and couldn't even respond to simple questions."

Deeply embarrassed, she buried her face in her hands, overwhelmed by the weight of her perceived failure. Esme felt a twinge of fear, realizing that she might be next. What if she failed like this woman? What if she couldn't handle Mr. Sullivan's questions?

The door swung open, and a poised woman in a sharp black suit emerged, calling for the next candidate. The gathering of hopefuls dispersed, and one woman, seated beside Esme, confidently entered the room.

Esme's heart raced with nerves, sensing her own potential inability to answer even the simplest of questions. Her palms grew sweaty as she contemplated escaping to avoid the potential humiliation. But she reminded herself of the pain and heartbreak she had endured. She had to crack the interview.

'Stay calm,' she coached herself, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly.

Subsequently, each applicant exited the room, their faces drained of color or glistening with sweat. None emerged successful. Rejection loomed over all who had walked in before her, intensifying Esme's anxiety. She remained the sole candidate left, her hope dwindling, yet she stood, determined to give her best.

"Miss Esme Shaw, please come in," the impeccably dressed woman called out, inviting her into the room.

Summoning courage, Esme flashed a smile. As she walked through the door, her heartbeat quickened. Esme's gaze landed on the imposing figure behind the massive mahogany desk.

"Hello, Mr. Sullivan," she greeted him.

Esme felt as if she had seen that handsome face somewhere. 'Why does his face look so familiar?' Her mind whispered in her ear.


The CEO of this company was none other than Silas, the stranger she had slept with.

Esme's expression froze.