Fake girlfriend?


The sound of the slap she had delivered that night had reverberated in her ears. Involuntarily, she clasped her hands together, rueful of her impulsive action. Aware of the potential consequences, she knew securing this job was now an unattainable dream. In reality, such a powerful man could ban her from the entire city. Her hope to get a job dashed away. She had to return to her hometown, abandoning her plan to exact revenge on Julian.

Meanwhile, Silas maintained an air of indifference, masking his inner excitement. Upon learning of Esme's arrival for the interview from Caleb, he swiftly devised a cunning plan. Deliberately rejecting every candidate had been part of his calculated strategy.

"Miss Shaw, please take your seat." The pristine woman motioned for her to sit down.

Esme's instinct urged her to flee, but the consequences of offending the CEO deterred her. Maybe he would be kind enough to forgive her if she apologized to him sincerely. Summoning a forced smile, Esme complied and settled into her seat, her heart heavy with apprehension about the unfolding encounter.

Silas's attention shifted to the woman, who stood by the work table with a smile on her lips. "Emma, you can leave now. I'll call you later," he instructed with a congenial tone.

"Sure, sir," Emma acknowledged with a polite nod before exiting the room.

Turning his focus toward Esme, Silas adopted a composed demeanor. "So, you're here for an interview," he remarked, his eyebrows arching inquisitively. "Tell me about yourself."

Esme hesitated, unsure how to reply. She briefly narrated her academic achievements, trying to keep her voice steady. As she spoke, Silas's gaze never wavered. He listened intently, his expression unreadable. Esme couldn't help but feel uneasy under his scrutiny. She shifted in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position.

When she finished, Silas leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on her as he asked, "And what makes you think you're qualified for this position?"

Esme felt her confidence wane. Her qualifications matched the requirements specified by the company for the position. She knew she was qualified, but Silas's attitude made her doubt herself. She struggled to find the right words.

"Tell me, why should I hire you?" Silas's probing continued.

Esme was momentarily dumbfounded. Why indeed? Just a week prior, she had slapped him in a bar. She considered herself fortunate that he hadn't yet thrown her out of his office and allowed her to participate in the interview.

Swiftly regaining her composure, she initiated an apology. "I am sorry if I offended you. I acted out of a need to protect myself. Please forgive me. I hope you will not judge me based on that incident."

"One reason, Miss Shaw," Silas pressed, his tone becoming icier. "Tell me, why do you think you are better than all those candidates?" His words hung in the air like a challenge.

Esme was dead nervous. Her fingertips were cold. However, she refused to show her nervousness. Esme took a deep breath. She knew that this was her chance to prove herself, to show Silas that she was more than just a reckless girl who had slapped him in a bar. She spoke with conviction, her voice firm and resolute.

"I need this job," she said bluntly. "I want to show..." She paused momentarily. She was about to say "Julian," but changed her mind at the last minute. "I want to prove that I can rise in my career with my hard work. I am a dedicated person and am passionate about my work. I have a natural talent for organization and administration, and I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team."

"Tell me, what do you know about our company?" He asked in a calm tone.

Esme launched into a rehearsed speech, reciting facts and figures about the Sullivan Group of Industries' financial prowess and innovative technology. Silas listened intently, his gaze never wavering from her face.

When she finished, silence descended in the room. Esme looked at him, anxious as to what his response would be.

Silas leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with interest. "You've certainly done your research."

Silas, wearing a sly smile, casually opened Esme's file, pretending to scrutinize it despite already being well-acquainted with Esme's background and her academic records.

"Your confidence is quite impressive," he remarked after a calculated pause, his gaze fixated on the document. "But you lack work experience." With a firm motion, he closed the file and slid it across the desk. "You are not suitable for this position," he stated flatly.

The declaration hit Esme like a merciless blow, shattering her hope. It felt as if a dagger had pierced her chest.



The painful memories of her recent breakup compounded with this fresh rejection, leaving Esme on the verge of tears. Her plans, aspirations, and desires seemed dashed in an instant. The prospect of ever seeking retribution against Julian appeared increasingly elusive.

She took the file, blinking her tears away. With a heavy heart, she rose from the chair and turned to leave.

"I can hire you," Silas suddenly interjected.

Esme's head whipped around, her mouth agape in astonishment. The sudden reversal of fortune left her stunned and her emotions in disarray as she grappled with the unexpected turn of events. Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the sudden change after what seemed like an unequivocal rejection moments ago.

She couldn't believe he was giving her a chance, though, and her heart raced in anticipation.

Silas, seemingly indifferent, rose from his seat, moving towards her with deliberate ease. "But I have a condition," he stated matter-of-factly. His authoritative aura permeated the room as he stood tall before her, hands deeply entrenched in his pockets.

"If you are willing to accept the condition, I'll hire you. You'll receive a handsome salary, an apartment, and a car." His voice carried the weight of his proposition. "So, Miss Shaw, are you willing?"

The proximity of his presence left Esme's mind numb, her legs threatening to give way beneath her. "What condition?" Her voice wavered, sounding low and unsteady, her earlier confidence inexplicably evaporating.

"You have to be my fake girlfriend," he revealed.

Esme's eyes widened in shock as she stared up at Silas, her mind racing with confusion and shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

Fake girlfriend? 

What did that even mean? 

The smirk etched on Silas's face sent waves of trepidation rippling through Esme's stomach.