Secret deal

Silas seemed to sense her hesitation and stepped closer, his towering figure looming over her. He was so close that she could feel his warm breath on her skin, making her legs tremble.

"Listen, Miss Shaw," he said, his voice low and persuasive. "You're looking for a job, and I'm offering you a great opportunity. You'll get paid well, have a nice place to live, and drive a fancy car. All you have to do is pretend to be my girlfriend."

Esme's thoughts were jumbled, her heart racing with uncertainty. She had never expected that he would demand something like this. Why was she not feeling happy?

It was what she had planned for—to entice the CEO, making Julian envious. Silas's proposal seemed to gift-wrap her opportunity. She should jump with joy and readily accept his offer, shouldn't she? But why did she feel as if she were trapped?

Her body trembled, causing her to instinctively retreat, only to collide with the chair behind her, collapsing onto it.

"Pretend?" she repeated, her heart leaping to her mouth. She blinked at him nervously.

Confusion clouded Esme's thoughts. His offer was undeniably enticing, promising to fulfill her desires and secure a job at a prestigious company. It was a chance to show Julian that she could thrive without him. She was excited, but she also knew that she couldn't make a hasty decision.

Silas nodded, his piercing dark eyes locking onto hers. "Yes, pretend. We'll act like we're in love; maybe we will attend some private events. It's all just an act, of course. But it should look like we're serious about each other."

Esme felt a knot form in her stomach, her mind racing with questions. What kind of private events? Who would they be fooling? And most importantly, why did Silas need a fake girlfriend?

"I haven't gotten your answer," Silas said in his deep voice, making her even more nervous.

Esme's heart was pounding in her chest, and her mind was spinning with doubts and uncertainties. She was confused as to what she should answer. Her mind whispered in her ear to accept his offer. She shouldn't let go of such an opportunity. 

It would be an excellent beginning to her career to work for such a big company. But she couldn't make a decision.

Esme was hesitant. She was unaware of Silas's intentions and couldn't immediately commit. Part of her was willing to accept his offer. This was only going to be a fake relationship. Neither he nor she would be serious about it, right?

However, she still asked, "Um, why do you want me to be your fake girlfriend? What kind of game are you playing?"

Silas closed the distance, looming over Esme as he leaned in, clasping the chair's armrests with a firm grip. His unwavering gaze bore into hers. Esme held her breath. She didn't even dare to bat her lashes. 

"I am not obligated to answer your questions, Miss Shaw," he said in a deep serious tone. "You're here seeking a job you're not qualified for. I considered giving you a chance in the hope of mutual benefit. But it seems you're unwilling to cooperate."

Straightening up, he stepped back, dismissing her with a wave of his hand. "Thank you for coming, Miss Esme Shaw. You can leave now," Silas declared, pivoting toward his seat.

Esme's heart sank. She couldn't let the opportunity slip away. "I-I am willing," she stammered, springing to her feet. "I accept your offer."

"Huh?" Silas paused, turning slightly to glance back at her over his shoulder, pretending to be taken aback by her sudden change of stance.

"Yes, Silas, I mean, Mr. Sullivan. I accept your offer," Esme affirmed, her voice steadier this time, determined to seize the chance presented to her.

Silas wore a sly grin, satisfied that he'd finally persuaded her. The prospect of finally deterring his parents from urging him to marry Lara, his best friend, brought a subtle contentment to his expression.

"Are you sure?" He asked, turning to face her. A skeptical look replaced his smile.

Esme nodded vigorously, squaring her shoulders with determination. "Yes, I am sure."

"Hmm," he hummed shortly, his expression turning pensive. "Okay, that's great. I'm glad you're sure," Silas said, his voice low and husky. "Once we start this game, there's no turning back until I call off." The warning in his eyes and tone was evident.

A lump formed in Esme's throat, sensing the challenge ahead. She could already tell it wouldn't be an easy path. She had a feeling that she was stepping into a trap. But the desire for revenge against Julian clouded her judgment, pushing her to commit.

"I need this job," she said emphatically. "I've already told you that I'm a dedicated person. I do every task diligently." She shook her head. "I won't give up."

"Cool," Silas replied, flashing a smirk that held both a dangerous allure and an intimidating edge.

Esme couldn't stifle the flutter of her heart, no matter how hard she tried to ignore him. Despite her efforts, she found herself inexplicably drawn to his striking features. Her heart raced in sync with his proximity, her knees trembling as if threatening to buckle at any moment. The charged atmosphere intensified as she watched him draw nearer, a mix of fear and a strange attraction coursing through her.

Silas's voice lowered to a husky tone as he outlined the terms of their agreement. "This is a deal between you and me—a secret deal. You're not allowed to reveal it to anyone. I assure you, it'll remain a secret from my side too."

Esme nodded in agreement. But she still had questions on her mind. "I'd like to know why you are doing this. It will be easy for me if I know the reason."

Silas halted his motion to call Caleb, redirecting his gaze from his phone to Esme. "I can choose not to answer your question, but I'll tell you why," he replied, a brief, curt smile appearing. "My parents want me to marry, but I cherish my bachelor life and the freedom it brings. I'm not ready to start a family, you know."

"But someday you'll have to," Esme pointed out.

"Yes, but not with Lara," Silas adamantly declared.

"Oh, I see." Esme let out a small sigh. Realization dawned on her; the situation mirrored her past with Julian.

Julian had never wanted to be with her, but he had agreed to this relationship to appease his father. If she had not been so blind in love with him at the time, she wouldn't have ended up heartbroken.

Curiosity nagged at her about Lara's feelings. "What if Lara feels hurt?" Esme inquired, concerned.

"Don't worry about that," Silas dismissed firmly. "I know what I'm doing. You don't have to run your brain. You just need to assure my parents that you love me and that you are serious about this relationship."

His unwavering tone left no room for debate. Esme recognized that probing further might irritate him. She had already agreed and now had a duty to fulfill. Besides, this would help her exact vengeance on Julian.

"I understand." She nodded.

"Good," Silas responded, striding back to his seat and promptly contacting Caleb.

"Mr. Sullivan," Caleb answered promptly.

"Is the agreement ready?" Silas queried.


"Bring it here."


Silas looked up at her, leaning back on his chair, his fingers intertwining. "It's almost done. You just need to sign an agreement."

"Agreement?" Esme echoed, seeking clarification.

"Hmm." Silas nodded tersely. "All our conversation should stay within these walls. You must agree to this term. Sign the agreement, and the job is yours."

"So, I'll be working as your secretary!" Esme ventured, attempting to confirm her employment for the secretary's role.

"No." His response shattered her expectations, leaving her bewildered about her position.

"You'll be working as my secretary's assistant," Silas clarified.