Are you disappointed?

Esme's heart sank at the realization. The sudden uncertainty about her role left her stunned. "But you already have a secretary!" she exclaimed instinctively.

"Yes. Her name is Emma. I am quite happy with her work, but Emma has been complaining about the heavy workload these days. So, I thought of hiring another secretary to relieve some of her responsibilities. Sadly, I find no one suitable for that position. In other words, no one is comparable to Emma."

Leaning forward, Silas rested his elbows on the table, continuing, "I didn't want to disappoint her. Hence, I decided to appoint you as her assistant, assisting in her tasks. You're fine with this, right? After all, you did claim that you are a dedicated person."

A devilish smirk crept across Silas's face, triggering a sense of unease within Esme. She couldn't shake the feeling that there were hidden motives behind his decision. Was this his way of retribution for the slap? Her thoughts swirled with uncertainty when suddenly, the door creaked open, and Caleb walked in, interrupting the tension in the room.

"This is the agreement." Caleb handed his boss the file he had brought.

Silas checked it and then gave it to Esme. "Please sign the agreement, Miss Shaw."

Esme, with her trembling hands, read the contents of the file, ensuring she understood its contents before signing where required.

"Very good," Silas said, taking back the file. "Congratulations, Miss Shaw. You are now a part of the Sullivan Group of Industries."

Esme mustered a smile and thanked him. Her legs felt unsteady as she navigated her way out of the office. Despite the supposed joy of securing a job, her emotions were swathed in anxiety. The unexpected turn of events had left her reeling. Instead of elation, she was engulfed in a whirlwind of confusion and doubt. Her thoughts were a tangled mess, as she couldn't figure out whether she had made the right or wrong decision.


The loud ringtone of her phone made her jump. She took out her phone from her bag and saw Adelynn's number.

"Hey," Esme answered, attempting to infuse cheer into her voice. "The interview just finished." She mustered a smile, trying to shake off the lingering unease.

"How was it? Did you get the job?" Adelynn's voice rang loud and restless through the phone.

"Um, yes."

"What's wrong? Why do I feel like you are not happy?" Adelynn still caught the hesitation in her tone, even though Esme tried her best to keep her anxiety at bay.

"It's just...the interview was a bit intense," she said, attempting to downplay her anxiety. "The CEO is really strict, and I'm still feeling a bit nervous."

Adelynn's voice softened. "Aww, poor baby. That sounds terrifying. But you did it! You got the job! That's amazing, Esme!"

Esme couldn't help but laugh at Adelynn's enthusiasm. "Thanks, Adel. I guess I'm just still in shock.

Adelynn giggled. "I can understand how you are feeling. But you cracked your very first job interview. I am proud of you, dear. Come home. Let's celebrate."

"Of course!" Esme exclaimed. "We'll go out for dinner." She felt a sense of relief wash over her. She may have had a rough start to her day, but at least she had Adelynn to brighten things up. "I'll see you soon. Bye."

With a spring in her step, Esme hung up the phone and entered the elevator, her conversation with Adelynn still lingering in her mind. The descent was swift, and soon she reached the ground floor, heading towards the exit. Unexpectedly, she collided with Julian, both freezing in their tracks, their gazes locking.

"Esme!" Julian exclaimed, surprised by the encounter. He didn't expect to see her here. For a moment, he thought she had come here to meet him. His heart raced without any reason. Suppressing the urge to ask, he inquired, "What brings you here?"

"I came here for an interview," Esme replied boldly.

"An interview?" Julian sounded perplexed and somewhat disappointed.

"Didn't you know there was an interview for the CEO's secretary position?" she scoffed.

Julian nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, I knew. But I never expected you to aim for that post."

"Why?" she countered.

"You've just finished your studies and have no work experience..." Julian began, trying to justify his surprise.

"I am qualified enough for the position," she interrupted firmly. "And I got the job."

"Seriously?" Julian's disbelief was evident. He couldn't fathom how Silas would hire someone inexperienced for the role of his secretary. He was perplexed.

"Surprised? Or are you disappointed?" Esme's lips twitched with irritation. "Maybe disappointed because you have to see my face every time you come to the CEO's office."

She remembered him saying he didn't want to see her face.

"No, I'm just surprised," Julian attempted to clarify.

"Anyway, I'm running late. Adel is waiting for me," Esme stated before turning away and walking off briskly.

"I tried to call you," Julian said, making her halt her steps. "I couldn't reach you on the phone."

"En?" She threw him a sidelong glance and said, "I changed my number."

"Esme," Julian called out, stepping closer to her, a trace of anxiety in his voice. "I didn't receive your message. What did you send?"

"It's nothing," she dismissed casually. "Forget about it." With that, she continued on her way out.

Julian stood there, watching her departing form. He felt a sense of unease wash over him, a feeling he hadn't experienced before. It was as if he was losing something precious, something that had always been a constant in his life. He wasn't used to her acting like this.

Esme had never ignored him before and never failed to respond to his calls or messages. She couldn't stay upset with him for a longer time and would come to him or call him, begging for forgiveness. Julian anticipated her reconciling with him and pleading for him to stay, but it didn't unfold as he expected. It made him agitated.

He grappled with confusion, unable to fathom why Esme was behaving so differently this time. Her absence left him feeling adrift.

Esme had always been around him, texting or calling him even when they had been staying away from each other. Unlike before, she had entirely severed their connection. This newfound distance left him feeling hollow, a void he struggled to comprehend.

Part of him wanted her back, while another part of him said he didn't like her. Why would he want her back? The conflict within him left him feeling confused.

A persistent unease settled within him, recognizing that Esme was moving on, away from their past. The realization only added to his inner disquietude.