Silas is scary.

Silas settled comfortably into his seat, a satisfied grin playing at the corners of his lips. The challenge had been immense, but he had finally succeeded in persuading Esme. The game was on, and he held a quiet confidence that victory would ultimately be his. With closed eyes and hands resting beneath his head, he relished in the moment, reveling in his small triumph.


The insistent ringing of his phone interrupted the tranquility, prompting a disgruntled expression to cross Silas's face.

"Who is calling me now?" He groaned and peered at the phone, annoyed by the sudden disturbance. When he saw his mother's number on the screen, he straightened himself and answered the call.

"Hey, Mom. How are you doing?"

"How am I supposed to be when my own son doesn't heed my words?" Victoria's voice came through the line, stern and disapproving.

"Ugh…" Silas grimaced and rolled his eyes, feeling the weight of a conversation he wasn't in the mood for. "I don't have time for this right now," he said, trying to deflect her concern. "I'm in the middle of something important. Can this wait?"

"Yes, yes. You will always avoid that conversation. But the thing is not so simple as you think." Victoria persisted, her tone becoming more serious. "Your father and I are worried about you, Silas. We hear things. Colton was asking your father about you. He didn't mention the recent rumors about you. But I can tell he is upset."

"Mom, do you care about me?" Silas asked, his tone reflecting his exasperation with the situation.

Silas's sudden question caught Victoria off guard. "What kind of question is this?" she grumbled, her expression turning bitter. "Of course, I care about you. You are my only son."

"But I don't feel your love. It seems like you only care about Colton Smith," Silas retorted, his frustration evident. "Dad never pressured me for anything. It is only you who keep pestering me for something I don't like. Why are you like this?"

Victoria was speechless, caught between her intentions and her son's perceptions. She acted out of care for the family, wanting the best for everyone. She wanted to explain that her pressure on him was only because she wanted him to be happy and secure in life, but the words stuck in her throat.

She couldn't fathom allowing her son to marry the women he casually dated, considering them nothing but gold diggers. The Sullivans and Smiths' long-standing friendship and business partnership seemed ideal for Silas to marry Lara, Colton's only daughter and the eventual heir of the Smith Corporations.

Lara was beautiful, smart, and seemingly a perfect fit for their family. Besides, Silas was well acquainted with her. Why wouldn't Victoria want to make her the daughter-in-law of the family? But Silas remained resolute in his opposition to the match.

Feeling helpless, Victoria let out a sigh, her face clouded with sorrow and a trace of uneasiness flickering in her eyes. "I only want what's best for the family. Lara is perfect for you and the Sullivan household. Anyway, when are you bringing that girl home?" She changed the subject, attempting to divert the conversation. "Let me see who she is that's captured my son's attention."

"Very soon. Mom, I'm hanging up now. Talk to you later." Silas abruptly ended the call, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Fuck, man," Silas muttered, tossing the phone on the table. The joy from his earlier victory had dissipated entirely. A frown was etched onto his handsome face, and his demeanor was visibly disturbed.


At Adelynn's apartment...

Warmth filled the air as Adelynn enveloped Esme in a tight hug, exclaiming, "Congratulations, dear! I'm so proud of you." Her laughter resonated through the room. "You are going to start working at the Sullivan Group of Industries. I am excited."

Adelynn's excitement wasn't solely due to Esme's job; she was also thrilled at the chance to uncover a sensational story about Silas. Eagerly, she guided Esme towards the sofa.

"Tell me about Silas. Do you find him attractive? Isn't he handsome?" Adelynn's enthusiasm was palpable as she settled on the sofa, pulling a cushion onto her lap.

Esme shrugged, her mind wandering. She felt her heart racing as she remembered the intensity of Silas's dark gaze locking with hers. Though she tried to brush it off, she couldn't deny the flutter in her chest. His striking appearance possessed a charm that could captivate any woman, and Esme wasn't immune. Yet she wasn't ready to acknowledge her attraction.

She had just ended a relationship with the man she loved. She couldn't think of starting another relationship so quickly. Her focus was on getting revenge on Julian.

With a shrug, she replied, "He is… scary."

"Scary!" Adelynn gaped at her in disbelief. She hadn't expected Esme to describe Silas that way. She thought Esme would say that Silas was handsome, attractive, and sexy. But she never thought that such a good-looking man would be scary.

Esme nodded, her expression unchanging. "Yes, he's scary."

"He carries this intimidating aura that puts everyone on edge," she continued, recounting her encounter with him. "My hands were as cold as ice," she confessed, glancing down at her fingers. "I've never felt that nervous before. He's truly, truly scary." She turned her attention to her friend, who was seemingly taken aback.

"Oh!" Adelynn stared at her blankly, her mind racing about how Esme would trap Silas if she was so scared of him. "How are you going to woo him, Esme? Have you changed your mind?"

Esme gulped at her question. She didn't need to woo Silas; he was the one proposing to make her his fake girlfriend. Her task was to pretend to be in love with him, a prospect that seemed daunting.

"I don't know." Esme shook her head, not revealing the truth. "But I'll find my way to teach Julian a lesson."

"That's my girl, always bold and determined," Adelynn reassured, smiling.

Returning the smile, Esme shared, "And I'll be getting a nice apartment and a car."

"What?" Adelynn exclaimed, pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, Mr. Silas seems quite generous to his employees. I won't have to worry about finding a place or buying a car."

"Wow, Esme, that's fantastic! Let's go to the bar and celebrate," Adelynn squealed, grinning. "Or we can buy a bottle of champagne and have fun here. What do you say?"

"No, no drinking for me tonight," Esme declined, raising her hands. "Tomorrow's my first day at the job, and I can't be late. Besides, I need to buy clothes. Let's go shopping and then have dinner out."

"That sounds perfect. I know a place where you can find formal wear and stylish designer dresses," Adelynn offered.

"Alright. I'll freshen up first," Esme announced before darting into the bedroom.


They arrived at a ladies' apparel store, where Esme found herself enamored with the extensive collection. She sifted through numerous formal attires, fancy dresses, shoes, and bags, selecting various items that caught her eye.

"Why not check out some designer dresses?" Adelynn suggested.

Esme pondered Adelynn's words. Considering her impending role as Silas's fake girlfriend and the possibility of attending private events, she agreed and made her way to the designer dress section.

This part of the store boasted extravagant gowns that Esme had only fantasized about wearing. A striking red gown with a high slit drew her attention. The dress exuded allure with its deep V-neckline and backless design.

"It's stunning," Adelynn complimented. "You should try it on."

"This one!" Esme hesitated. "Don't you think it's too revealing?" Her gaze lingered on the dress's plunging neckline.

"Hmm, yes. You might look a bit outlandish in that dress."

Both Esme and Adelynn turned toward the sharp, nasal voice coming from the right and noticed Ruby approaching.