The argument

Ewan and Victoria found themselves in a heated argument. Ewan expressed his dissatisfaction, emphasizing that Esme was their guest, and Victoria could have treated her more courteously.

"I don't like it when you behave like that, Victoria. Esme is a guest whether you like her or not. You could have talked to her nicely." Ewan frowned, his dissatisfaction evident.

Victoria, however, remained firm in her opinion. "She is only interested in the family's fortune. She doesn't like Silas. Don't be fooled." 

"I don't know." Ewan, showing a different perspective, defended Esme. "All I know is she is the first woman our son brought home and introduced to us. She must be special to him. Maybe he saw something in her that made her different from others. We should believe in our son and support him in every step." 

"Ewan, I can't believe you said that." Victoria was stunned to hear that her husband had no issue with Esme and was ready to accept her. "You just met her. How do you know she is suitable for our son?" 

"I only have faith in my son," Ewan explained. "Silas is smart and sensible. He knows what is good for him. I only want his happiness. If he is happy with that girl, I'll accept her." 

"And what will you say to Colton?" Victoria asked, surprised. "Have you forgotten your promise to him?" 

"That promise was made when Silas and Lara were too young," Ewan stated firmly, straightening his back. "They are grown up now and can make their own decisions. We elders shouldn't interfere in their lives."

He clambered onto the bed and pulled the blanket over himself. "It is late. We should sleep now." He reached out and turned off the side lamp. 

Victoria's heart ached as she looked at Ewan's back, worry clouding her features. She gently lay on the bed with her back to him. Her eyes dimmed as she thought about the future. A sense of dread and uncertainty crept into her heart. 

The next morning… 

The following morning brought a calm after the storm, with the rain subsiding and the sun casting its golden glow on the surroundings. Slowly emerging from her slumber, Esme discovered herself enveloped in the strong arms of someone, her body nestled against a warm wall. When she saw Silas's handsome face so close to hers, her pupils dilated. 

Questions flooded her mind. Why was he here? She vividly recalled him sleeping on the sofa. When had he moved to the bed? 

A wave of embarrassment washed over her as she noticed her arm around him and her leg draped across his waist. Blushing furiously, she attempted to shift away, only to be gently pulled back towards him.

"Don't move," he mumbled hoarsely. 

Esme, now frozen in place, held her breath. A fluttering sensation in her stomach couldn't be ignored. Silas's protective embrace stirred a strange warmth within her. It was challenging to resist leaning into him, surrendering to the comfort and care he offered.

Esme couldn't help but stare at his face, drinking in his alluring features. When he opened his eyes and met her gaze, her heart skipped a beat. A momentary freeze gripped her, and she became entranced by the connection they shared in that intimate morning.

Silas's smile lingered, reflecting a desire to wake up to Esme's lovely face every morning. However, Esme abruptly pulled away, sitting up in a flurry of frantic movements.

"What's the matter, Silas?" she exclaimed. "You promised to sleep on the sofa. Why are you here?"

Silas rolled onto his back, a hand pressed to his forehead. "Ugh... Don't start arguing so early in the morning," he groaned.

"Huh? You started it," Esme snapped.

"I tried," he grunted. "But it was uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep there."

"I knew it. That's why I said I would sleep on the sofa. But you stopped me. You were the one who eagerly volunteered to sleep on the sofa." 

"Yes, my mistake. I wanted to serve my guest well. I wanted to ensure that you didn't feel any discomfort while staying here. But that was my mistake. I should have let you sleep there. Sorry. Happy now?" 

Esme puffed in anger. "You are annoying." She jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. 

"You are annoying too," he snapped back.

The door slammed shut behind her. 

"Ugh. She turned my mood bitter early in the morning," Silas muttered, covering his ears with a pillow.

When Esme emerged from the bathroom, Silas was nowhere to be found. A slight tremor ran through her heart at the thought that he might be upset and had left, leaving her alone. 

Filled with restlessness, she ventured out of the bedroom and spotted Ewan in the hall, sipping coffee while engrossed in a newspaper. Silas was notably absent. 

Her eyes darted around, but he was nowhere in sight. A sense of unease clouded her mind, prompting her to approach Ewan with a forced smile.

"Good morning, sir," she greeted him. 

"Good morning," Ewan responded with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Um…" Esme looked around, nervously rubbing the back of her ear. "I have been wondering where Silas is." 

"He has gone out jogging," Ewan explained, folding the newspaper and placing it on the table. "He'll be back in a while."

"Oh…" Esme let out a small sigh of relief. Silas had not left her alone. "Where is ma'am? Did she accompany Silas?"

"No, no." Ewan laughed, waving his hand. "She is enjoying her sauna bath. It'll take time for her. Why don't you have breakfast? You also have to go to the office."

"Yeah. I'll wait for Silas." Esme returned to the room, her steps betraying a hint of nervousness, sensing Ewan's gaze on her back. She closed the door slowly and let out a long sigh.

"Oh, God. This isn't easy. I hope this is my last time here," she mumbled, leaning on the doorframe.

Several minutes later…

A maid entered the room, serving breakfast along with a fresh set of formal attire. Esme had anticipated joining everyone for breakfast, but to her surprise, the meal was delivered to the room.

"Where is Silas? Is he not back?" she wondered, astounded.

"He is with his father in the study," the maid explained. "He urged you to finish the food fast." With that, she left.

Esme stood there, dumbfounded. It was evident that Silas was upset with her; otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen to ignore her. A pang of guilt pricked at her.

Silas had shown his gentlemanly nature by not letting her sleep on the sofa despite knowing that he would be uncomfortable there. But Esme argued with him instead of thanking him. 

Even though he was angry with her, he had arranged a new set of clothes for her. He had made sure she had a pleasant stay. Even though it was all an act, he played the role of the ideal partner. 

The more Esme reflected, the more remorse she felt. "What have I done?" she pondered, slumping on the sofa. "He is angry with me. I should apologize to him."

When she finally emerged from the room dressed in formal attire, the maid informed her that Silas had been waiting for her in the car. Esme expressed her gratitude and made her way outside. She saw Silas's sports car right in front of the mansion.