The sweet coffee

Silas was behind the wheel, his face stern. He was not looking at her. It was quite unusual to see him like this. 

In just a few days, Esme grew accustomed to seeing his signature smirk and a playful glint in his eyes. This somber appearance didn't suit his persona. His joyous demeanor was alluring, but his cold attitude was intimidating. 

Taking a deep breath, Esme walked over and got into the car. She turned to him to say sorry. Before she could even utter a word, the car sped down the road. 

Esme's body pressed on the back of the seat, her eyes widening in horror. The speed of the car was terrifying. The road seemed to be running into her eyes. Esme quickly fastened the seatbelt and looked ahead, her heart thumping loudly in fear. 

"Silas, please drive slow," she pleaded. "I am scared." 

"I have a meeting to attend to, and I'm running late," Silas said gruffly. 

Esme slightly turned her head and looked at him. She thought he was acting this way because he was angry with her. 

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have argued with you," she implored. 

"It is okay. I can understand why you behaved like that. You won't trust a man like me." 

His words twinged her heart. She had indeed suspected that he had taken advantage of her while she was sleeping, which was why she vented her rage on him. It was too late when she realized it was not the case. She now couldn't say that she trusted him and that she had not suspected him. 

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she quieted down. She hoped he would say something, but he kept his mouth sealed the whole way. 

They finally arrived at the company. As the car came to a halt, both Silas and Esme came out of the car. However, they didn't notice that someone had seen them together. 

Julian, who had just arrived, was taken aback when he saw Esme coming out of Silas's car. He felt a stab in his heart. It was something he had never felt before. The overwhelming sensation of being left alone distressed him. 

He didn't know why he couldn't stop thinking about Esme ever since they had ended their relationship. 

Julian had assumed he would be free if he broke up with Esme. He had planned to enjoy his life in his term, without bondage. But why couldn't he enjoy it now? Why did he long for her? Why did he want her around him? 

It was strange. He didn't love her, yet he couldn't see her get away from him. 

'What is happening to me?' he wondered in his mind.

Emma was taken aback when she saw Silas and Esme coming together. For a moment, she speechlessly gawked at them. She quickly gathered herself and smiled at Silas, greeting him. 

Silas nodded in response and said, "Bring my coffee."

He walked into his cabin without even glancing at Esme.

Emma busied herself in brewing coffee, looking skeptically at Esme. "You came with him!" Unable to hold her curiosity anymore, she expressed her doubt. 

Esme paused and glanced up at her. She couldn't tell her that she had dinner with Silas's parents at his family mansion and that she was coming from there with him. 

"I met him in the elevator," she lied. 

Emma nodded understandingly. But her expression was still somber as if she were dissatisfied with her. "Try to come a bit early," she said with a cold tone, pouring the coffee into the cup. "I told you how punctual he is. He doesn't like being late."

Esme could tell how freaking punctual Silas was. To get to the office on time, he drove the car at high speed, almost giving her a heart attack. She would think a hundred times before she rode his car. 

Emma shot her a displeased look as she walked into Silas's cabin. "Your coffee, sir." She put the cup on the table. Flashing a polite smile, she briefed him on his schedules. 

Silas lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip. His face immediately contorted, the bitter taste of the coffee spreading into his mouth. 

He used to have black coffee without sugar and didn't have an issue with this bitter taste. In fact, he used to love the stimulus it created in his brain. But he no longer liked it. He couldn't even take a second sip.

Just in a few days, he started liking the sweet coffee Esme made for him. He couldn't believe that she had such an impact on him. 

"Okay, I get it," he said, silencing Emma. "Send Miss Shaw here. I have something to tell her about the advertisement." 

Emma hesitated for a moment and said, "I have something to say about this advertisement." 

Silas glanced up and met her gaze. 

"Esme is inexperienced," Emma continued. "I am afraid she will mess things up. You shouldn't have given her such a responsibility."

"You are saying I made a wrong decision." Silas dangerously glared at her. 

"No, no, I am not challenging your decision," Emma clarified immediately. "I am sorry if I sound like that. But I am only expressing my fear. Esme has just joined the company. Besides, she doesn't have a work experience. I don't know how she will handle the whole thing. What if something goes wrong?" 

"She is now a member of my team, and I will determine who will do what," Silas stated decisively. "I don't care if she is experienced or inexperienced. She has to prove that she is worthy to be here. Now leave and send her in." 

"Okay, sir." Emma stormed out. 

Silas picked up the cup and emptied it into the trash can, his expression turning even more somber. 

Emma's steps wobbled as she headed back to her desk. She slumped into her chair, fanning her face with her hands. 

Based on her pallid face, Esme could tell Emma was scolded. She poured her a glass of water.

"What happened?" she asked anxiously. 

Emma downed the whole glass of water and then said, "He wants to tell you something about the advertisement."

"Okay." Esme sprang to her feet, grabbing the diary. Her heart trembled at the prospect of facing him again. Looking at Emma, she grew nervous. Letting out a deep sigh, she headed toward his cabin. 

Before she could take two steps, she heard Emma say, "Be careful. Don't say anything to add his ire."

Esme nodded at her and went into the cabin, her gaze falling on his intimidating form behind the worktable.

Silas wished he could ask her to brew coffee for him. But it would raise several questions in Emma's mind. He clenched and unclenched his jaw, his mood becoming even worse. 

"You wanted to talk about…" 

"Show me whatever you noted down in that meeting," he said, interrupting her. 

"Yes, here it is." Esme gave him the diary. "I noted down all the important points." 

Silas's eyes skimmed on the pages but read nothing. It was just an excuse to bring her in. 

"Yes, good. I hope you will not mess things up." Silas closed the diary and raised his eyes at her.

Esme opened her mouth and then closed it, exhaling deeply. "I told you already. I am not confident. You should hand the responsibility to Emma." 

"Are you commanding me now?" Silas asked, his irritation palpable in his tone. 

"I don't dare. I am only saying what I feel." 

"Miss Shaw, I am your boss." Silas slammed his hands on the table and leaned forward. "I give you a job. You should do it diligently. You are going to handle this and do not disappoint me."

Esme nodded, terrified under his sharp glare. This authoritative and bossy side of Silas was terrifying. It was a polar opposite to his playful and flirtatious demeanor.

Esme realized why Emma looked so pale. 

"I'll do my best," she said. 

"Now bring coffee for me," Silas finally said what he wanted to say. 

'Didn't Emma give him coffee?' Esme wondered mindfully, her gaze moving to the coffee cup on the table.

Silas knew what she was thinking. It irritated him further. 

"Do you have a problem?" he asked.

"No…" She shook her head. "I'll bring it right away." She pivoted and dashed out the door.