Silas’s childhood sweetheart.

Esme began brewing coffee, much to Emma's surprise. "Are you making coffee for us?" Emma asked skeptically.

"No," replied Esme. "It's for the BOSS." She stretched the last word and rolled her eyes. 

"But I already gave him coffee," Emma said, perplexed by Silas's unusual demand for a second cup. It was uncommon for him to ask for coffee twice in the morning. "He is certainly very angry," she mused aloud.

"He is angry for no reason," Esme muttered under her breath, irritation evident as she thought, 'Why is he angry? It is his fault. Instead of acknowledging his mistakes, he is unleashing his frustration on us. Humph…'

"Phew…" Emma shook her head, exhaling exaggeratedly. "He is good when he is in a good mood. But his temper is quite bad, and it's scary. Be careful around him. He may scold you or even can fire you."

Esme snapped her head toward Emma, stunned. 
