Victoria’s fury

Esme's cheeks flushed with warmth as she revisited the memory of Silas kneeling down to check on her ankle. The gesture felt incredibly romantic, and her heart couldn't help but race at the thought. It was a level of care and attention she had never experienced from anyone other than her parents. Julian had never done something like this. 

Esme couldn't deny that Silas was fundamentally different.

Silas possessed qualities that seemed to surpass Julian's – he was passionate, kind, and had a sense of humor. He was the man that every woman desired, and Esme found herself contemplating the idea that he could be a far better partner than Julian. However, his reputation as a playboy made her hesitant to fully rely on him. Moreover, he had Lara by his side, the woman his parents wanted to be their daughter-in-law.

Esme's demeanor stiffened. 'Why am I thinking about him?' she admonished herself. 'Why am I comparing him to Julian? Focus, Esme, focus.'