The uneasiness

Esme pushed aside her distress as she approached, determined to maintain composure. But it was difficult. Placing the tray on the table, she handed the coffee cup to Victoria first and then passed another to Silas.

Silas's gaze lingered on her, attempting to decipher her emotions. He sensed Esme's sadness, yet she veiled it with a smile, leaving him unsettled. The desire to comfort her tugged at him, but he suppressed it, wary of annoying his mother.

As Esme placed the plate of snacks on the table, she addressed Victoria, "I hope you will like the coffee, Ma'am. Please have some snacks."

Victoria brought the cup to her lips and took a sip. Her face contorted the next second, and she set the cup back down on the saucer with a clatter.

"What did you make?" she snapped, setting the cup down abruptly. "You put sugar in the coffee! I told you I preferred the same coffee Silas liked. Didn't you get that?"