Underlying tension

Esme walked out of Silas's cabin, confusion clouding her thoughts. Returning to her desk, she was met with Emma's sharp gaze, an expression of fury evident in her eyes. She could tell Emma was furious with her, and she wondered why.

"I told you on the very first day of your work here that our boss preferred black coffee without sugar," Emma snapped. "How could you forget that?" 

Esme was left speechless, her memory recalling Emma mentioning Silas's preference for black coffee, but the specific detail of no sugar eluded her. Perhaps she was too anxious that day to remember Emma's instructions. 

"I... um..." Esme stammered, trying to find the right words to defend herself. "I must have forgotten. My apologies, Emma."

"Madam is so furious with me," Emma interrupted her. "She used to talk to me nicely, but she scolded me today because of your silly mistakes. I wonder how Mr. Sullivan has been tolerating you still now."